Chapter 10 - Lost Faith

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Danny could feel pressure as he slept.

He could feel... a presence.

He didn't quite know what this presence was... but something was lurking.

He had no idea if it was a human or not.

He didn't have any idea what he was feeling.

But, one thing was for sure... an uneasy atmosphere filled the air.

Something must've been wrong.

Then, he awoke.

"Huh? Oh, I woke up normally this time," he said.

His curtains were already open, so he could see the crimson world once more.

"This will always be shocking..."

One thing that struck him was just how barren his room was in this world.

Many of his things weren't even here, as if the room didn't belong to him.

But, he knew this was no time to be thinking about this.

Of course, this world wouldn't be identical, it's distorted, after all. 

He then ran right downstairs and spent a few seconds simply glaring at his furniture, and was shocked at how it was in some ways, very similar to his house in the normal world... as if this house truly was his own.

In fact, there were fewer decorations in this house than there were in his normal one, which he found rather odd.

"I'll never understand this," he whispered.

With no time to waste, Danny grabbed his knife and headed out his front door, where he was greeted by one of those deformed humans.

"Gr-grah!" It growled.

"Piss off," Danny said as he slashed its neck, leaving it dead on the ground. "That was easy enough, now time to find Jack."

He started running around the empty block towards Jack's house, but he thought he could hear a familiar voice somewhere nearby... and it sounded nothing like either Jack or Lucy.

"Is that-?"

Danny sped up, as he kept dashing towards the sound of the voice, so he could confirm if it was who he thought it was.

If Danny's ears were not deceiving him, then things were about to take a turn for the worse.

If this person was who he thought it was... then nothing good could come from it. 

But if that was the truth... then why?

He couldn't even bear to think of it.

Why would *they* be here?

He couldn't think about it.

He must've been mistaken, he thought.

'Keep faith,' he is told.

He even tells himself this. 

But can he really maintain it forever?

Can he keep faith if there is none to be seen?

"No... it can't be! Why would... why... no! It's not true! I'm hearing things, haha... that's it. This crazy world is making me hear things, that's all it must be, right?"

Then, eventually, he turned one final corner around the desolate street... and quickly realised exactly who he was hearing.

And... it was, unfortunately, exactly who he thought it was.

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