Chapter 12 - Happiness

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The day had started out rather cold, and grey.

But, surprisingly, as the day went on, it ended up being sunny and rather warm.

Lucy saw this as a perfect opportunity to hopefully please Danny, by taking him and the others to the beach, where they could enjoy these few hours of blissful sunlight.

"Why- are you doing this, Lucy?" Danny asked.

"To turn that frown upside down, silly!" She said as she pinched his cheek.

"Y- you don't have to do this for me..."

"Well, we're nearly there! You're stuck with us 'til we leave, so don't get out of my line of sight, ya hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am..."

"You don't gotta be formal with me, just enjoy this, 'k?"


"Hey, I see the ocean!" Jack said.

"What if I swim out so far that you can't see me...?" Danny whispered.

"Then I'll grab ya leg and pull ya back, stupid," Lucy replied.

"Haha... figures."

"Did you guys bring your swimwear?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Danny replied.

"Course I did! Can't get in the ocean without it!" Lucy said.

"I got mine," Jason added.

"Cool," Jack chuckled, "now I can finally introduce my childhood game to you guys."

"What game-?" Jason asked.

"You don't remember? Come on, man! We used to play it back when we were kids!"

"Wait- are you talking about Splash Royale X????"

"You're damn right I am!"

"Oh no..." Danny whispered.

"Hey-! Don't gimme that look, and maybe I'll spare you... newbies."

"The hell'd you call me?" Lucy snapped.

"Oh, it's on!" Danny shouted.

It was settled. The gang would arrive on the beach, and play Splash Royale X, and it seemed as if they had already chosen their preferred teams.

Jack and Jason VS. Danny and Lucy.

The bus they were in finally came to a stop, and the four of them jumped out and headed straight for the beach.


"Haha... I'm beginning to wonder if she did this out of the goodness of her heart, or if she just wanted an excuse to come here herself," Danny said.

"Probably both," Jack laughed.

"Hey," Jason shouted, "shall we get our swimwear on?"

"Oh, right. Uh- should we- get Lucy?"

"Nah. Let her jump into the ocean with her whole outfit on if she wants, it's something I can imagine her doing," Danny said.

"Yeah, you have a point."

The two of them followed Jason into the changing rooms, where they quickly slipped into their trunks, in preparation for their little ocean game.

"Oh, yeah! Time to play some Splash Roya- hey, are you guys still getting changed-?" Jack said.

"Give us time, man! Sheesh..." Jason said through the door.

"Whaaaaat? How long does it take?"

"We've barely been in here two minutes!"

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