A Trip to Monstadt 💛🌸(slight 💜 at the end and slight mentions of 🧡)

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~!WARNING!: This will include slight mentions of Zhongchi/ChilLi! So, if you hate it then read another chapter or smth because I don't want hate on this chapter. Please and ty!!!

~!Disclaimer!: Also, Venti and Xiao aren't dating here, unlike most of my other Oneshots. They're like in the situation they are currently in-game. Sorta know each other but not THAT close!

Venti POV

Venti let his hands slide through the lyre, the tough strings feeling soft under his fingers as the music swung throughout the open fields. His braids with green ends blew along with the whispering winds as they gently hit his face and made the trees dance.

Venti had his legs swinging forward and backward, resting gaily (gayly 💀) on a tree branch. The bard was merely relaxing, enjoying his day. He was expecting a visitor later, so he was just waiting patiently.

The tree he rested on was an apple tree, perfect for him. Venti let his hands rest from the beautiful tune he played earlier, reaching his arms up to grab an apple from the trees.

The leaves rustled as Venti's finger scrambled through them, trying to grasp the fruit. Eventually, his hands made contact with a round object. It took no effort for the bard to pull the fruit from the tree and bring his arm back to him.

His small body resting on a large branch, Venti looked at the fruit for a moment before taking a small bite. He closed his eyes at the luscious taste the apple had, enjoying the sensation that filled his mouth. In only the next few bites, he was able to quickly finish off the apple. As he opened his eyes again, Venti put his legs up and rested against (and on) the tree, the wind calming down as he did.

As he rested, putting his lyre to the side, he took a deep breath, enjoying the lovely scenery that he himself had created. Venti chuckled at the thought as he closed his eyes. A bard like himself being an Archon was still hard to imagine now that he had spent so long living a mortal life. Venti rested his head back and looked up, opening his eyes. The sky was a bright celestial blue, having few clouds and a bright sun overlooking Teyvat. As the bard gazed thoughtfully into the sky, he hummed an old tune, remembering past days when he would be with his best friend. Well, his only friend back then.

As sweet memories flooded into his mind, Venti closed his eyes once again, taking in another breath of fresh air. This time, he could imagine the whole scene in front of him as if he were reliving it.

The scent of the forest, old oak wood, and the sounds of soft footsteps tapping against the grass. "Do you like my tunes? I've made this new song myself! Would you like to hear it?" A cheery voice echoed in Venti's ears, making his breathing heavier.

Relievingly but suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to him.


The bard was out of his dream now. He quickly straightened himself on the branch and look down, smiling mischievously when he saw his expected friend with another guest.

"How do you do, Morax?"

Xiao POV

Xiao put one foot in front of the other as he trudged up the hill, following close behind Rex Lapis.

Xiao was curious about what his Archon's friend was like, thinking about some possibilities as he was almost hiding behind Rex Lapis.

Tall, intimidating, powerful, intelligent. That's what Rex Lapis' friend was like, perhaps? Or was it the complete opposite? Xiao shook his head slightly. No. Would such a powerful being really be friends with a small mortal? Of course not.

As he thought about the person he was meeting, Rex Lapis came to a sudden stop and Xiao almost bumped into him. As he realized that they must be in the area, he straightened himself and peeked from behind his Archon.

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