Chapter 7: New Order Limitless

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The heroes quickly looked up as they heard Maeko's maniacal laughter above their heads. "New Order!" Star announced. "I have the strength and speed to catch this villain!"

She quickly reacted, jumping up from her seat and catching his glider. Despite the carrying capacity of Maeko's flier, her added weight on the one wing sent them both veering off the road into the nearby redwoods.

"Lady All Might, get off! Find your own ride!" Maeko yelled down to her as she rocked his machine off balance. The other wing she wasn't holding to struck a tree trunk and immediately crumbled. The two fell with the glider to the forest several feet below.

"New Order: This fall cannot hurt me!" Star called out as she tucked in and hit the ground knees first.

Maeko's glider folded back into his body and he sprouted his robot tentacles that gripped the tree, tearing it apart as he slid down much slower.

As the heroine stood up, completely unharmed from the fall, she got into a battle-ready stance as Maeko tilted his head and smiled.

"Are you single?" He asked.

"Yeah. Unfortunately for you though, I already have a date with justice!" She called as she charged him.

Maeko sighed as he formed a laser cannon from his gauntlet and pointed it at her frame. She dodged the blast to the side and tackled him to the ground.

Instantly, the tech on his body reacted and sprouted several needles that pierced her skin. He laughed. "Y'know, babe, I just so happen to have a few different drugs on my sexy person at the moment. Which one should I use on that beef-caked face of yours? Perhaps...Trigger?"

Star tried to pull off of him, but his tentacles gripped her back and held her down. "Fool... You have no idea what that could do to me..."

"Exactly. Isn't that how discoveries are made?" He snickered.

Hearing a device on his arm beep, Star watched a green liquid flow through a tube and as she felt it enter her arm, she thrashed around in his grasp.

"This is a good look for you, you know." Maeko winked.

Star yelled out as loud as she could.

The other heroes, not far from their location in the woods, turned toward the source. As Iida was the first to clear a path, he hesitated to enter the scene.

"RUN!" Star shouted to him. "He's injected me with Trigger!"

Maeko let her go and let his robotic arms carry him up and through the tree line. "Have fun!" He called back as he disappeared.

Iida acted on instinct, as quick as his legs, he turned around and held his arms out to stop Uraraka from getting any closer. "We need to go! She's been triggered!"

Mirio and Popper's eyes grew wide as they looked at each other. The doctor gasped and attempted to run.

"Doc's got the right idea, there's no telling what she could do under Trigger..." The purple-haired hero stated. "Run!"

As they began to run back to the Zumvee, Star stood up. Her eyes were glowing white.

The wind blew past each of them and appeared to circle her. The ground cracked beneath her feet. Mirio protectively jumped in front of Izuku, Uraraka, and Iida as the trees around them began to stretch even taller than they already were.

The sky over their heads turned a purple shade. Through the wind, they could hear random thoughts of Star. Each one that crossed her mind suddenly became reality.

"What's happening?!" Uraraka screamed over the howling wind.

"Everything she's thinking is becoming a rule!" Popper answered loudly. "I think she's panicking!"

"Star!" Mirio called to her. "Stop thinking!"

Immediately, metal stop signs fell from the trees as every leaf in the area turned red and expanded to the same size and shape.

"We need to calm her mind!" Popper called. "Star! Give us strength to help you!"

Star's head jerked and she faced the group ahead.

Instantly, Izuku and Mirio felt One For All coursing through each of their veins, the elder growing back to his original size and body mass.

Everyone else had similar strengths within their Quirks, as well as the rest of their bodies increase.

Iida, Izuku, and Mirio grabbed the doctor, Popper, and Uraraka, and dashed back to the truck. "Now what?!" Doctor Souter cried.

No time to think. Star's rules were becoming more and more insane as fish began to rain from the sky. The sun and moon chased each other in the atmosphere, repeatedly lighting the scene and darkening it just as quickly.

As Mirio attempted to start the engine, the Zumvee jerked. The seats kicked each of them out as the vehicle transformed into a giant orange cat that took one look at them all before, turning around and dashing down the highway.

The ground before them cracked, forcing them to back away.

"What do we do now?" Uraraka asked.

"We're far enough away from the city for Star to hurt anyone. But any one of her out of control rules could affect us at any moment!" Popper explained. "We need to get out of the way!"

Mirio and Izuku looked at each other. "I don't know how long this boost will last, but will you assist me in taking your team to safety?" The older bearded holder of One For All requested.

Izuku smiled briefly. "I'd be honored. I don't know how to control it yet, but this boost is helping me too."

"I feel my legs could run forever." Iida added. "Let me help."

Of all the rules Star's head kept unintentionally creating, the latest made everything begin to move in slow motion.

The heroes all stared in shock as their bodies moved slower than the environment around them. The doctor's stomach dropped in fear as the dense forest between them and Stars n Stripes was now completely cleared. All the trees either flew away or disintegrated at her power.

Outside of her bubble of slow motion, something whipped through the air and wrapped around all six of them. Izuku's reaction time was still too slow to see, but it pulled them all back until they could feel the affects of the slow motion cease.

"Whatever's going on here, it's clear that poor woman's Quirk is going crazy!"

"Where've you been, Uravity?" Popper turned to the only teen girl who sounded like that.

"That wasn't me!" Uraraka exclaimed.

As they regained their balances and stood up, Izuku looked to their savior and saw... "Uraraka?"

Another Uraraka. Only she was visibly older, although not nearly as old as the alternate universe Mirio. More like she just graduated college. Same hair, same eyes, same voice obviously. But her hero suit was more like a cross between his own, and her original Uravity suit, with some upgrades.

"How did you pull us all back like that at once?" Iida questioned.

"Who are you?" Mirio asked.

She reacted with a frown. "I'm Uravity. And... Black Whip did that."

"Black Whip?" Izuku raised his eyebrow.

"Black Whip?" Mirio repeated.

"Huh?" Popper exhaled.

To demonstrate, the alternate Uraraka activated her Quirk. Pink lightning flashed around her body as she began to levitate off of the earth. On command, a thin, black tendril of energy grew from her gauntlet and swung around.

"You have it too?" Izuku and Mirio asked in unison.

"H-Have what?" She narrowed her eyes at them and powered down, landing her padded feet back on the cement.

Mirio flashed his yellow lightning, while Izuku flashed his green.

Uraraka's eyes grew big. An older version of her with Deku's Quirk?

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