Chapter 14: Turning Off the Machine

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Star climbed the tower and folded her arms. "There's still one more." She gestured up to Future Shigaraki.

Future Deku began levitating up into the air before his foe.

The white-haired villain sighed. "All I want is a room with a view. I'm tired, Midoriya."

Future Deku pulled off his mask humbly. "I know." He half-smiled. "C'mon. Let's get you home."

Future Shigaraki chuckled dryly at that comment before they both descended back on the platform.

"Doctor." Stars n Stripes addressed.

Doctor Souter jumped at the mention of his name before hopping back on to the controls of the machine. "Now I know I've made a terrible mistake... Tampering with the multiverse is not something I ever want to do again!"

"And you'll luckily never get to again." Star added. "Izuku. It's time to say goodbye. These poor civilians have been stuck in this machine for long enough."

Izuku nodded and turned to Future Deku, Vigilante Deku, Lemillion, and Uravity. "Thank you all so much." He said with a smile.

Uravity ran forward and hugged him tightly. While the two Deku's patted his back and ruffled his hair. Lemillion gave him a thumbs up. "You did good, kid. This universe's One For All is in good hands."

"I'll say." Vigilante Deku smirked.

Uravity kept hugging him for a bit longer, not yet ready to let go. Izuku started blushing and laughing nervously.

"Sorry, sorry!" She said as she broke away. "I'll miss you guys. It's nice to know I'm not alone, in a way."

"Agreed." Lemillion smiled his more iconic smile. "I think I'll try smiling again in my universe."

"It suits you." Izuku bowed.

Future Deku additionally gave him a respectful nod.

"Izuku." Star alerted him. "I need to check on the others. Make sure the doctor frees those hostages once the Deku's and villains are gone."

Future Deku quickly put his hand over her broad shoulder. "Hey..."

She turned to face him.

"Thank you." He nodded. "For everything."

Future Shigaraki lowered his head awkwardly.

Lemillion grabbed Evil Deku and carried him to the machine as it powered up. "We don't belong here." He chuckled. Evil Deku gave a quick sarcastic salute, half-conscious. Then they were gone in a flash.

Uravity grabbed Muscular and carried him over using her Zero Gravity. "Be a great hero for me, Deku!" She cheered as she gave him a thumbs up and disappeared in a light with the villain.

Vigilante Deku wrapped Maeko up in Black Whip and walked to the machine. "Never give up hope. And never let go of your friends." Maeko turned and gave a slow nod. Then they too were gone.

Future Deku grabbed both Past Shigaraki and the Nomu with his hands and drug them to the machine, before stepping back. "Get these bozos back to Japan." He ordered.

The Doctor agreed silently and into the machine they went.

"I'll have to face those guys again, won't I? Pretty soon?" Izuku asked.

The older Izuku paused and looked at his younger self. "Yes."

Izuku frowned. "I don't know if I'm ready."

The hero knelt down to eye level with Izuku. "You are. Today you learned who you are supposed to be. And each of us left you our best lessons to learn."

Izuku jumped forward and hugged him. "Thank you..."

Future Deku hugged him back. "Anytime. I have a feeling you and I are more alike than the others, no offense to them."

"Midoriya, he has work to do." Future Shigaraki reminded them. "And I think this universe is giving me a rash."

"Yeesh." They cringed.

"Time to go." Future Deku said. "Never forget who you are. And if you happen to, just look to your friends and the ones you save before yourself. Ask yourself why your legs move before your mind."

With that, the hero left Izuku on the platform. He and Future Shigaraki walked to the machine together, once as enemies, now more like acquaintances. Then they were gone in the flash.

Once they were certain everyone had gone through, Izuku helped the Doctor shut off the machine and disconnect the prisoners. He tended to each of them and stopped at the youngest boy.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked.

He nodded as he held on to the side of his head. "A-Are you a hero?" He asked. "Are you here to save us?"

"I am." Izuku smiled. "My friends and I- MY FRIENDS!" He jumped up. "Don't worry, I'll be right back!"

He ran down the steps to the level Iida and Uraraka were left on. "Iida! Uraraka!" He called.

"Here!" Star shouted.

The teen hero twisted himself to find her pulling rubble away from where they were left. Izuku powered up One For All, letting it course through his body for a second, and then he quickly tore through, frantically clawing his way to the other side.

He found them huddled together with Popper. Uraraka had stains on her chin from overusing her Quirk to keep the debris from crushing them while Iida did what he could to create a dome.

"Midoriya!" They called.

"Only Deku would be the one to save our lives more than once today." His brunette friend smiled weakly.

"Don't worry, we'll get you guys out of this." Izuku assured them.

A few at a time, both he and Star cleared out the broken chunks of concrete and rebar to allow them a safe passage through. They carried Popper out and led everyone down the tower. By this time, the sun was rising.

Star had ambulances waiting to take the freed civilians away and Popper. One police car took Doctor Souter in handcuffs.

The heroine turned to the three young heroes with her arms folded again.

They stood at attention, battered and torn up from the horrific night, but ready for the next move.

"I can't blame you for what happened. From what I saw, you each reacted professionally and urgency... It's not likely Popper will survive, but I'm sure he wouldn't have asked for better heroes to help out." She said.

"Stars n Stripes, we appreciate the praise. But we don't deserve it." Iida spoke. "We weren't prepared for what came to pass."

"And you never can. Just expect the worst." She said. "Never let the flame die out, young Ingenium, Uravity, and Deku!"

"Yes, ma'am!" They called together.

"The next thing to do is paperwork at the office, pray for Popper's family, and then get some sleep." Star instructed.

"But, sensei!" Uraraka objected. "It's morning. I doubt all that will take all day."

"You're right. But heroes work best with a good full rest. Once the work for this mission is done, you'll be given six hours of leisure. After that, I'll treat you to something American. And then, I'll send you home. From what I heard, you'll be training at the USJ next week." Star explained.

While they felt like their work wasn't finished, they were grateful for the American hero's hospitality. It's not often that they get reward for their work. They knew it would never be a motivating factor. But they were indeed too tired to protest.

"Thank you." Uraraka bowed.

"Let's get back to the agency." Star smiled. "On the double!"

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