ep 5 debating future plans part 1

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One week later...

Nier: "Sooo let me get this straight you're supposed to be and I am you?"

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Nier: "Sooo let me get this straight you're supposed to be and I am you?"

Nier: "Sooo let me get this straight you're supposed to be and I am you?"

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Y/n: "Yup pretty much..."

Nier: "Not only that Kainè comes back and takes a android body and Emil has no body and is driving around as a truck?"

Y/n: "Yup...."

Nier: "And to top it all off you married a bunch of android girls and your best friend...."

Y/n: "Trust me I didn't write the script the author did."

Nier: "I have to say I have no idea what to think of this..."

Y/n: "Trust me....I know..."

Nier: "So where are the others anyway?"

Y/n: "Good question I know the author went to rodney00yrz world to save him from Zero but other than that I got no clue."

Scene changed

The author is standing over Zero who finished her business with rodney. Zero laid on top of him fast asleep.

 Zero laid on top of him fast asleep

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Zero: (Sleep talking) "Not....done yet....go...100....more rounds...zzzzzz...."

Rodney: (Traumatized) "Help.......me......someone..."

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