Chapter 2

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"Well Dream... Welcome to the Protogonus SMP! We're really glad you could come along and join us here- Even after we kinda took your stuff and attacked you," Ranboo said happily as he led Dream towards the brick walls that were surrounding the area. Dream smiled at all the buildings and looked back to see a wooden gate closing behind the four kids.

"We can bring you over to Tommy's house. His brothers and dad should be there right now since it's pretty late and mobs are gonna start spawning soon. He'll probably let you stay over for the night in their extra room. Either that or he'll just let you stay over at someone else's house... We just need to get you a place to set your spawn point," Ranboo explained and Dream nodded, only to hesitate for a second. Ranboo could see his confusion but waited for Dream to ask him a question.

"Um... Ranboo? What's- What's a brother? Is it like a title or something like that?" Dream asked and all the three boys around the blonde looked taken back at his question. At first they thought Dream was joking, playing dumb to just get some laughs. But Dream looked serious, titling his head to the side as he waited for an answer. Tubbo and Tommy shared a look while Ranboo stepped forward, trying to think of the best way to describe what a brother was.

"So...? What's a brother? Are you all brothers or something? What's up with that? I mean... Aren't brothers supposed to look the same? There were some people on the server that claimed to be siblings and they looked alike- So if you're siblings then shouldn't you all look alike? " Dream asked and Ranboo nodded, Dream somewhat understanding.

"I mean you're kinda right- Tommy, Tubbo, and I treat each other like brothers. But we're not actually related. We've got our own families and stuff though. You're gonna meet Tommy's brothers when we get back to his house anyways. They're actually related to him. Not all siblings have to look the same though. It really just depends on genetics- Which is something we can hold off on teaching you until much later," Ranboo finished and Dream was a little confused, but nodded anyways in understanding.

"Did you have any brothers or sisters, like a female you're related to, in 2b2t? I mean I know that people were born there so... Did you ever meet who you were related to? Anyone at all?" Ranboo asked and Dream just shrugged and looked up at the orange sky, he's never seen it look like this before.

It was pretty...

"Parents abandon their children as soon as they can in 2b2t... They're too much of a 'liability' or something like that. Fighting for your life is a little harder when you're trying to protect a child every single day. So if I ever had siblings- I don't think I ever had one. But they're probably either dead or I accidentally killed them... I don't even know what my parents look like- I'm guessing somewhat like me since they're my parents, but I don't know... They're probably long gone by now," Dream mumbled and Ranboo paused for a second, Tommy and Tubbo choking on air. People have told them stories about 2b2t but they didn't think it would be this bad. Granted they did take out a few things about the violent anarchy server, but this was just terrible.

"Well- You don't have to fight for anything anymore. People here are from all different types of servers. Some are from parkour servers and others are from the big servers like the Hive and Mineplex. You can probably tell from how they act,," Ranboo explained with a small smile and Dream nodded, reaching up to scratch Patches' head.

"Tubbo actually came from the Hive server. One of Tommy's brothers came from a parkour server and I used to live in the Lifeboat Server. Tommy was born here with his other older brother. So everyone here works a little differently... But it helps when you need something around town! A lot of different people know different skills," Ranboo finished and soon they were walking up to one of the tallest houses in the town. Dream looked at it with interest, Patches looking up at the building too as she sat there.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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