Family Reunion, Yay! part 1

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    I was sitting on my bed, reading. I felt like doing nothing today. Rhysand knew today was a difficult day for me. He just didn't know what made my day difficult. I am 22 this year, that means I have been gone for 4 years.

    I wonder what my brother, Harry, is doing. Is he okay? Does he know I am alright? Does he hate me for not reaching out to him? I hope he isn't. I haven't been able to have any communication with him.

    Feeling that something is off, I wander around the House of Wind. I guess Rhys, Az, Cas, and basically everyone else can feel something is indeed wrong. I felt like my whole world was spinning, until suddenly it all stopped.

    We were at Hogwarts, more specifically, the Room of Requirement. I looked around me to see who came with me. Basically everyone did. Rhys, Az, Cas, Lucien, Mor, Amren, Feyre, Nesta, and Elain were all here. For some reason Eris was here too, not that I minded, he sort of reminded me of Draco in a way. They both had to be people they weren't just to please their fathers. They were both cunning too. I have a feeling that if those two met, they'd be thick as thieves.

    Finally taking notice of my surroundings, I noticed Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and Draco were there.

    The door was opened, and in walked a younger version of spitting images of me and Harry, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. The door was closed again.

    Everyone who was from Prythian was confused, and understandably so. I was confused too, granted, not as much as everyone else, but I was still confused.

    I finally had the courage to look at my brother. He hasn't changed much. He still wears his glasses and his hair is never tidy. He really is the spitting image of father, just like I am the spitting image of mother, except our eyes. He got our mother's eyes, and I got father's.

    "Harry?" "Emmeline?" "Harry!" "Emmeline!"

    My brother picked me up and spun me around.

    "Ow! Why'd you hit me on the head?!?!" "That's for making me worry for the past 4 years!" "I really am sorry! To be fair, it's not like I could send an owl to you where I was from!" "Why couldn't you?" "I was in a different reality, to put it simply." "Wot?" "I don't know how to explain it! I was in a place called Prythian, and when they showed me a map, it looked exactly like Great Britain. I tried to ask someone how far away London was from Prythian, and they gave me this funny look as if they'd never even heard of it."

    I looked around the room, some people were shaking their heads at our antics, and some were still confused. Three guesses who.

    "I think introductions need to be made Hazza." "Yeah, alright." "Let's give our names, age, and house."

    'Mione cleared her throat and stepped forward, "I'm Hermione Granger, I am currently 22 and I was a Gryfindor."

    "Ron Weasley, and that's my little sister, Ginny, and my older brothers, Fred and George Weasley. We're all Gryfindors. I'm 22, Ginny is 21, Fred and George are 24." "We can introduce ourselves ickle Ronald." "And besides, you introduced us wrong, I'm Gred, and he's Feorge."

    "Excuse me, I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Slytherin, and I am 22 years old"

     I couldn't help but snicker at that. Malfoy turned his head towards me so fast, I thought he gave himself whiplash.

    "Think that's funny, Potter?" "No, not at all. Just brought me back to first year." Harry and Ron snickered because they suddenly remembered what I was talking about.

    "Excuse me, did you say Potter?" "Oh, sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Emmeline Potter, I'm 22 years old and I was a Gryfindor." "James, James Potter, 17, and current Gryfindor." "So, you're my daughter." "You also have a son. Harry! Get your arse over here and introduce yourself to our dad!" "Alright, no need to shout, I'm Harry Potter, Gryfindor, and I'm 22."

    This time, the door was slammed open, and in walked the Blacks, Potters, Malfoys, Weasleys, Fleamonts, and Professors McGonagle, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sprout, and Flitwick.

    "Family reunion, yay." I knew it was Uncle Pads that said that. I heard Dad tell Pads to hang in there.

Word Count: 734

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