Family Reunion, Yay! Part 2

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    "Excuse me, but why are we here?" Lucien said. "I'd like to know that too." was my quick reply. I almost forgot my new family from Prythian was here, I was so wrapped up in my reunion with my family from the wizarding world. I added in my two cents by saying, "I'd like to know that as well. Not that I mind seeing my family from 4 years ago again, I was just wondering how we're in the room of requirement and in the year 1976."

    "How'd you know the year is 1976?" "Honestly, Jay-Jay, no wonder people say you got Dad's brains. Dad just said he is 17, which means they're in their 6th year. So that easily led to the conclusion of the year is 1976." "Shut up Lil, not everyone is as smart as you." "That's where you're wrong Haz, I'm not smart. I have common sense, something you definitely lack." 

    "I'm not sure that's the case." "Oh yeah?! How'd you know that Rhysie boy? I have lots of common sense." "No, you don't. You're one of the most reckless people I have ever met." "Is that because the most reckless person you've met is yourself or Cassian?" "Touché."

    Everyone chuckled at my antics and the mini arguments I just won.

    The door opened a third time, and I knew immediately who walked in. The people who walked in were none other than Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange née Black, Barty Crouch Jr., Rodolphus Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy née Black, and Lucius Malfoy as kids. Yay. The only person I am genuinely excited to meet is Regulus. 

    "Umm... Can we get back to Lucien's question? Why are we here?" I asked again. "I performed a spell that would send us back in time. We decided that we could have easily avoided what happened to us if things went differently." I knew it was Hermione. If anyone could find a way to pull me and my new family from a different universe and send us all back in time, it would be Hermione. "Okay." "Okay? You're not mad?" "No, I'm not mad. I understand."

    After an awkward amount of silence, I suggested we do introductions for everyone again because of the newcomers and because I forgot to introduce my friends from Prythian. I also said I would go last so that way I can help with introductions for my friends from Prythian. 

    Everyone from my generation at Hogwarts reintroduced themselves, and now it's my turn. "For those of you who did not catch my name the first go around and for those who just walked in, I am Emmeline Potter. Twin sister to Harry and I am 22, and I was in Gryffindor. These people I came with are Rhysand, Azriel, Cassian, Morrigan, Amren, Feyre, Elain, Nesta, Lucien, and Eris." As I said their names I pointed each of them out. "They did not go to Hogwarts, and they are from a place called Prythian. Don't bother searching for it on any maps. You won't find it. Great! Now that introductions are done, let's get down to business."

    "Harry, these movies could show people how we were treated as kids. Do you really want everyone to know our business?" "No Emmeline, I don't, I didn't even think about that. But, it would help a lot of people wouldn't it?" "You're right, I just don't want people to look at us with pity. We have gone all our lives with people judging us harshly one way or the other. I just don't want our friends to do that to us." "I understand that, are you going to be okay?" "Are you?" I shot back. Harry just shook his head.

    Before I could protest, Rhysand decides to pull me to the side away from everyone for a private discussion of our own. "First off, what the hell is a movie? Second, are you really going to be okay while these so-called movies are playing? And lastly, am I or anyone else from home going to get the urge to kill anyone?" "Movies are like plays that are recorded visually that you can watch whenever you want and yes to the last to questions. But, you should be okay overall."

    Next thing I know, the Room of Requirement has made enough comfy seating for everyone with blankets and pillows. I decided to sit next to my brother and our friends for a little bit. I knocked on Rhys' mind and he let me in. "I need to sit next to my brother for a little bit. He and I didn't exactly have an easy start to life, and I need to be there for him." "Should I be concerned?" "As my High Lord? No." "No, Emmeline. Not as your High Lord, but as your friend." "No, there is nothing anyone in this room can do that can change anything, but I know you or anyone else won't like what they see. Try to reign in Cassian. He might overreact. I'll help whenever I can." "Thanks for the heads up." "No problem." I left Rhys' mind and just listened to Hermione telling everyone that time is frozen and we can't leave until we are done.

    Convenient. This is going to be absolute hell. Going back to before 1st year, before Hogwarts. Uncle Pads was right. Family reunion, yay. Fucking Dursleys. Fucking Privet Drive.

Word Count: 900

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