Emmeline and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Year 1

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"Bloody hell guys! They treated you like that?!"

"My prongslettes were treated like that?!?!"

"Fuck, you were worried about how Cas would react? What about me?!?!"

"Expelled? That's what you were worried about?! You weren't worried about dying?"

"It wasn't that bad."


"I can't believe I acted so stupidly!"

"We know about the stone!"

"Guys, I don't think Snape did it."

"Piss off."

"How well d'you think everyone will handle this, especially since this is only the first year?"

"Wait until they see fourth year."

"CASSIAN!! Sit your ass down!"

"Here we go again."

"It was on the bloody chocolate frog card!"

***Photos aren't mine, but I arranged them. Don't forget to vote and feel free to comment!! Constructive criticism is welcome. Thank you!***

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