I Explain Why Harry and I Use Our Middle Names

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    Weeks went by, and Harry was allowed out of the cupboard and Emmeline was allowed to eat again, not that she didn't eat for those few weeks. She was able to sneak food when the Dursleys weren't looking. During the summer Harry and Emmeline usually spent as much time as they could outside of the house to avoid the Dursleys so they could actually have fun. Their favorite thing to do was run to the nearby park and play on the jungle gym and swing as high as they could on the swing set.

    This year, Emmeline wanted to surprise her brother on their birthday, so she went around the neighborhood asking if any of the neighbors had jobs that needed to be done but didn't want to do or couldn't do. So sometimes she lied to her brother saying she wanted to walk around the local shops area to look at books so she could actually earn money to buy him something nice for his birthday. She knew it hurt him when she said she wanted to go to the book store instead of hanging out with him. It was hurting her too.

    "So that's why you always ran off that summer." "Yeah, I wanted to do something nice for you." "How am I lucky enough to have a sister like you?" "Don't know, but I'm lucky to have a brother like you too." "Thanks, Lily Flower." "Any time, Jamie Boy."

    "Harry? Emmeline?" "Yes, Dad?", Hazz and I asked at the same time. "Why do you call each other mine and your mother's names sometimes?" I decided to answer that one.

    "Well you see Dad, when you and Mum named us, you named Harry over here Harry James Potter and I was named Emmeline Lily Potter. We use our middle names sometimes because it's just something that we do and it gave us comfort to know we at least knew our parents' names. See, the Dursleys weren't very fond of you. They didn't like talking about you. One of the biggest rules at Privet Drive was to not ask questions, which is part of why we didn't know a lot about you. I accidentally made the mistake of asking a question, and that made Petunia go on a rant about how horrible you were. She really didn't go into specifics, but she let your names slip out in her rant. I never asked her any questions again, but I was pleased to know our parents' names, and I immediately told James once I was free from a raging ranting Petunia."

    "Emmeline was so ecstatic to tell me. You'd have thought Christmas came early when she told me." "Shut up Jamie, not like you were just as excited when I told you." "Wait, you didn't know our names?" Dad asked. "Did you at least know what we looked like?" He asked again. I was hesitant to answer those questions, but luckily for me, Harry answered. "No, we didn't know what you looked like until we were at Hogwarts," Harry said as he shifted to wrap his arms around me to hug me.

    I looked at Dad. I saw several emotions flicker across his face, disbelief, sadness, anger, sadness again, and finally determination. "I'm going to make sure your mother and I are here for you this go 'round. You both will be spoiled rotten. You will have new clothes. You won't fear asking questions. You will have a better life." "Thank you, Dad," Harry and I said.

    I don't have the heart to tell him, but I know it is too late for me and Harry. This is like a parallel timeline where luckily for these people, Hermione was able to make it possible for all of us to interfere. Hopefully, this timeline's Harry and Emmeline Potter will get the life Dad is promising.

    It was mid-July, and Emmeline had once again told Harry that she was going out to the local shops area to look at books as soon as they escaped from the Dursleys. Harry looked at her and asked, "Why are you going there today too? You've spent an awful lot of time at the shops this summer. When are we going to hang out together this summer?" "I'll make it up to you. This is the last day I am going to the shops. I promise. I just saw a really cool book that caught my interest as I was walking out of the store last time. I want to look at it and maybe read it. You know the shop owner lets me read the books I fancy, as long as I don't damage them or take them." "I know, I just miss you." "Aww. I miss you too. That's why I promise I'll make it up to you. Love you, James." "Love you too. Just don't come back late. Don't want Vernon mad at you again Em. And please, stay safe." "I will. Promise. Bye, James!" Emmeline runs off. "Bye," Harry said.

   Emmeline did run to the shops, but she didn't stop at the book store. She stopped at the local bakery and got him a little birthday cupcake. She also stopped at the candy store and got him chocolate, jelly beans, peppermints, and a lot of different kinds of candies because she doesn't know what her brother might like. Besides, what 11-year-old doesn't like candy. The Dursleys made sure the Potter twins have never had any sweets.

    She ran back to the Dursleys' house, made sure no one was around, and dropped off her brother's presents in the cupboard. She hid them underneath her pile of clothes because she knew her brother would not notice and look there for anything.

    The next morning, the young girl walked out of the cupboard and slowly made her way to the living room where she noticed the Dursleys and her brother were all gathered there.

    "Did I miss anything important?" Emmeline asked Harry in a hushed whisper. "No, it's just little Duddles prancing around in his awful uniform for his new school." He whispered back. "Gotcha. Think I'd rather gauge my own eyes out, brother." "Might have to agree with you on that one, dear sister." They both had to stop themselves from laughing.

    "You both are very brave or completely mental. Saying comments like that right in front of your uncle." "Thank you, Ronald," Harry and I said at the same time. "You also freak me out when you talk like that. Remind me of Fred and George." "You're welcome," I said. "I wasn't saying that as a compliment." "Well, how else should I take it, Ron? Those 2 are 2 of the best pranksters at Hogwarts. I think it's an honor to share a similarity with them."

    "We're offended, Princess. Surely we're the best," Fred and George say. "Nah, you are good, but you have some pretty stiff competition." "Oh yeah? Who's our competition?" "The Mauraders, of course. Oh! Don't forget Uncle Reg! Remember when Hazz and I were in our 6th year and Uncle Pads told us about all the pranks that Uncle Reg used to pull and prank wars those two used to get into?" "Oh! You have brought up valid points. We shall no longer be offended by your words. Besides, you have carried on their legacies very well." "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said, standing up quickly so I could turn around and drastically bow towards everyone in the room. I aimed my last bow toward my mother and father and his friends, and I gave them a wink and sat back down. Some people in the room laughed at my antics while others simply just rolled their eyes annoyed and fondly.

Word Count: 1294

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