We Take a Short Break and I Become a Family Therapist

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    "I think this is a good stopping point for now. I need to talk to a couple of people, immediately," I said. "Okay, who fucked up, little sister?" "Oh Jamie, you shouldn't worry. No one really fucked up yet, but I do need to talk to a couple of people." "Who are the poor souls that need to talk to you?" "I need to speak to Regulus and Sirius, now. I'll meet you at the back of the room." 

    I walked towards the back of the room which was a bit secluded from the rest of the room to give us some privacy. I want to fix their relationship and the only way to do that is to get them to talk to each other with no one else watching and without their friends influencing their behavior. They need this. I know they're not twins, like Harry and I, but they're still brothers. They need each other, they are just too stubborn and prideful to admit it. Once they met me, I cast a silencing charm to give us some privacy from any eavesdroppers, intentional or not. 

    "You two need to talk. And before either of you interrupt me, when was the last time you had a serious discussion where either one of you didn't throw insults at the other or ignore the other?" I was met with dead silence. Neither one of them could look at me or the other. They both opted to look towards the ground. "That's what I thought. You both have things to say that need to be said. You also need to listen to what the other has to say." "What does it matter little prongslette?" "Because Padfoot, if you don't you know you'll regret it! And plus, I met you in the future and it is one of your biggest future self's regrets that you don't work things out with your younger brother."

    "How do you know? Did my brother tell you that himself?" Regulus asked. "Yeah, he did, I then kept on asking him questions about you. I wanted to know my uncle Reg and I know that talking about someone helps with being able to cope with the pain of missing them more." "What all did he/I tell you?" "I'm not going to say! Spoilers! It'll show up in 5th year." "You're not going to tell us?" "Nope! Now quit trying to avoid talking to each other. You both need this."

    "I'm not going first." "I don't want to go first." both Blacks said. "Okay! I'll flip a coin. Heads is Regulus and Tails is Sirius." I flipped the coin, and it landed on tails. "You're up first Sirius." There was a moment of silence. "Look, I know it is not easy to suddenly talk to your brother when you don't talk to them after a while, but you both need this conversation. If you aren't going to do it for yourselves now, then do it for your future selves. Please."

    "Okay, I am sorry Regulus that I left you. I never wanted to leave you, specifically, I just wanted out of the Black family. They treated me horribly just because I got into Gryffindor. I just wanted out. I never cared for our family besides you, but I just wanted out. I'm sorry for turning my back on you. I know that I might not have your forgiveness now, but I hope to earn it."

    "You're right. You don't have my forgiveness yet. But that can change. I understand why you did what you did, but you have to understand that your actions have consequences and that I suffered because of those actions. Mother and Father made me become one of his followers, though if it were up to me, I would rather die than bare his mark."

    "Then why do you?!" "Because he threatened to kill you and your friends!" The tension suddenly became so thick I could cut it with a butter knife. "What?" "He threatened to kill you and your friends. Said he would leave you for last, drag out your and your friends' deaths, and make sure you suffered. I would not allow that to happen. If that means I have to sell my soul to the devil to keep my family safe, then so be it." "Thank you, and again, I am so sorry." "You're welcome." "Can we attempt to be brothers again?" "This doesn't mean I forgive you for walking away, but yes. Yes, we can be brothers again."

    Regulus turned to me, and he said "Thank you, for making us talk. You were right. This was a conversation we needed to have." "You're welcome. And I know I was right. A little pro tip, I usually am right." That got a few chuckles from all three of us. "Oh, I can tell. If you're anything like your mother Emmeline, I know you are going to be insufferably right a good 90 percent of the time, and it's pointless to have an argument against you because you will be right or win." "Got that right, Uncle Pads. Let's make our way back to the others." 

    I waved my hands and the silencing spells were put down and we walked our way back to the others. My brother ran up to us, I guess he was waiting for us to see how it went. "How'd it go? Did you get what you wanted to be accomplished?" "Jamie, what do you take me for, an amateur? Of course, I got what I wanted out of these two to have a conversation." "How'd you manage that? Sirius from our time told us it was impossible for them to have a proper conversation after he left." 

    "Thanks for speaking about us as if we weren't here, mini Prongs." "Well, what he said was true, Pads, and besides, people like me. I have a certain charm that helps people open up with others around them." "Do you use that to your advantage in your time and your new world, Prythia was it?" "Yes to both Uncle Reg. It is a very useful skill to have." We all laughed as we made our way back to our seats. I ended up back with the batboys. "Alright, let's get this movie started again." 

Word Count: 1052

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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