Her Wish His Command

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She was confused at the crestfallen demeanor of her family. A funeral vibe and suddenly  she did a mental math on all the members Everyone are fine. No one dead or hospitalised  she sighed in relief .Then what the hell happened? she was confused.

Her Mom started crying the moment she hugged her and on her questioning gaze her they explained how Rehaan's family had withdrawn from the proposal. Suppressing her delight she faked a disappointed look and hurried to her room both crying and smiling in happiness. Soon they were replaced by disappointment and sadness. Sunny... his indifferent attitude had hurt her and as much as a part of her wanted to run into his arms another part of her awaited him running towards her.

Rehaan and Pari were excited to meet her. They had quite a good chat. Rehaan explained how he recieved a stable job offer in Calcutta just a few days back and solved his issues on being independant. Pari was thrilled at the prospect of moving to Calcutta. She was animatedly going on about her plans for the two of them but Pratha was in deep thought.

As the families exchanged pleasantries, Pratha sat glaring at the tall figure in front of her. She turned in anger and left the room only to be caught in a familiar embrace. "Ladoo..." He whispered huskily. Gathering all her control she turned to him with the same disastrous glare and began hitting his chest with her comparatively tiny arms."I hate you Sunny, I hate you!!". He let her be and when she was done she melted into his arms sobbing. "Why Sunny?" "Your wish is my command dear. But I can't let you do something you might regret later just coz of your momentary vulnerability. I know how much you love and respect your family. I couldn't do that to you. It would break you ultimately and I won't  let that happen."

She looked at her man with admiration, what did she do to deserve this gem her eyes glistened with love "I love you Sunny" pulling him for a kiss "I love you too Ladoo" He mumbled before his lips crashed into hers.

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