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Part I: Hooligan
Ender was being bullied. Bean was waiting, and watching. And the beginning of the end had started.
"Yes? What do you want?"
"I've got good news and bad news..."
"Good first. You numbskull."
"Well...we fixed the problem in the earlier subjects in project X...Using Bugger technology actually. We just have to wait and see if it works."
"Good. And?"
"Spit it out!"
"It escaped."
"Great googly moogly. Well. The CIA are on to us anyway. We're shutting down. We're dispose of the others tomorrow. Find her, and dispose of her too."

Oblivious to all this, a small child trotted through the streets, barley looking old enough to walk. She wore rags and was bone thin, obviously one of the many street urchins of this big city. She stopped near a train station, and laboriously climbed a box, till she was perched up top. The perch was the optimal place for her needs. Tucked in a corner, no one would notice her. Anyone who did wouldn't care. She wasn't making trouble. Also, it was right across from the board that had the trains on it. Anyone could have sworn she was reading it. Except....babies can't read...especially ones from the street...right?

Ender's Secret (thewattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now