𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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readers pov

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readers pov

i climbed on top of a large rock, almost falling and slipping on the sand next to my feet. the same ash blonde boy was sitting on the large rock at the end of the jetty, hanging his feet into the water.

i gripped onto my shoes and walked down the cement, stopping a few feet behind where he was sitting.

"you really do come here every day, huh?" i asked. i think it might've startled him though because he jumped a little before quickly turning around to glare at me.

"i thought i told you to stop coming here?" he growled, turning back around to face the ocean.

"why should i listen to someone i don't even know the name of?" i sat beside him and set my shoes on a rock in front of me.

"why do you care so much? it's none of your business!" he huffed.

"because i'm sick of calling you oscar the grouch in my head all the time. plus, it's literally your name, it's not like confidential or anything?! especially if you're tryna get to your figurative 'top,' don't you want your name to be well known?" i hugged my knees close to my chest.

"not known by losers on the beach like you! and if you compare me to oscar the grouch one more time i'll throw you in the fucking water! don't test me!" i could practically see the fumes coming out of his ears.

"then what the hell do you want me to call you by?!" i waved my arms in a confused manner.

"nothing! don't ever refer to me in the first place!" he screamed in my ear.

"well, you kinda look like a pomeranian? or a dandelion?" i pretended to play with my imaginary mustache, "i think a pomeranian would suit you better though, cause you're both crazy ass ankle-biters." 

"ANKLE-BITER?! THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL-" the ash blonde boy was cut off when a large wave of salty water crashed over both of us, soaking us completely.

"AH- AH- it's cOLD!! HElp!" i began to cough up the water that forced itself down my throat. i should've paid more attention to the tide.

i looked over at the ash blonde boy who was pulling a string of kelp out of his now flattened hair and laughed. he only scowled at me in response before looking back at the water and smirking. what was he up to now?

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