Our last farewell

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After the awakening of makoto things start to get weird around inazuma.The inazuma people are welcoming her back as per of her return. But they seem to have left out ei as like she was some doll. "We're so glad your back makoto! Your sister hasn't been very nice these past few centuries." Said one amongst the crowd. Makotos expression changed drastically from happy to being angry that people dare to lie to her about ei's changes. As she was always there. From afar.. watching over inazuma as it changes from century over century. She has seen how ei has changed, she doesn't torture her people no more. If only they understood that the shogun they once feared was a prototype while the real shogun meditated in her plane of euthymiya. Pursuing her eternity beliefs, such is caused by makotos death. But it seems the people of Inazuma did not understand that part of ei. After a while has passed of makoto listening to slander about her sister, so she told ei to dress as her and she will dress as ei, and ei knew exactly where this was going, she remembered why makoto left her, and.. she didn't want to loose her, she would do anything to save her even if it costs her life.

And so the ei who had lost it all, yae, Makoto?,.. wrong. Ei had took makotos place when they switched. So she died instead of makoto. So the ei who had suffered was makoto..

"If I hadn't switched with you ei... none of this would've happened! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" Makoto said while holding ei tight in her arms while shedding tears. "I-if only! If only I could change back time!" "I'm sorry ei! I should've never left for khaenriah! I'm sorry! Please.. come back" makoto yelled.
"Makoto..." ei said using her last breathe, "please.. rule over Inazuma and take care of yae for me.. if I ever see her in the skys of teyvat,.. I won't be angry at you.. because.. atleast you followed me.." ei said while holding makotos cheek.
Makoto loved her sister dearly. But it seems fate as different plans for the both of them.

"Makoto.. don't cry... just look at the teyvat skies and smile.. we lived a happy life.. Fare well dear sister.."

Ei said taking her last breath..

(Prequel to chapter 1)

Farewell dear reader, till we meet again.

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