Anyways a sequel

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Special shout-out to MoonWong0309

"Breaking news! A building we uncovered lately as a office building has been blown up to pieces by an unexpected explosion! The police say they found multiple illegal substances and they are planning to arrest the people that own this mess of a company, two people have been recovered, one named Colette, and we weren't able to locate a last name for her but another person has been recovered, a brawler from the Brawler Agency, Edgar Jackson. They have both been sent to the hospital and we are expecting more information from the hospital services, I'm Donna and you are watching Channel S."

"Wha.... Where... How... Where am I...?"

Edgar's vision was blurry as blue and red lights flashed before him with muffled yelling and screaming as the sirens yelled its horns but he couldn't move, he was paralyzed and all he saw was Colette unconscious as she was quickly driven to a hospital and it all went black.


Edgar woke up, at least it seemed he did. He was in the orphanage, the children were playing outside and he noticed young Colette right in front of him as he seemed to be sitting in the corner.

"Oh hey Eddie! You seemed to have dozed off! You wanna go play outside?"

Edgar looked at himself in confusion and noticed he was still a child, small and skinny.

"Uh... Sure..?"

"Great! Follow me!"

Colette grabbed his arm and ran outside where the sun was shining and the grass was a perfect green, the sunlight giving the grass a warm glow.

"Hey Eddie! Check this out!"

Colette grabbed her hearts and did a flip as she shot them all into a log as she landed back on her feet.. the same move Colette used to try and... Kill Edgar.

"Well, waddya think?"

"Oh... That was really cool! Where did you learn it?"

"I dunno! It was like a instinct, so I kept practicing!"

"Oooh, cool!"


Colette sat down next to Edgar as the rest of the kids left to go back inside the orphanage.

"Do you think if I keep practicing I could be a brawler one day with you?"

"Uh... Yeah!"

"Sweet! I'm gonna be just like all my favourite brawlers and I'm gonna be a brawler with YOU!"

"Yay! But... Do you think we would be friends even if we don't get in the same Brawling course?"

Colette turned to Edgar smiling

"Duh of course! We are still gonna be best friends! Pinky promise!"

"....I promise"

Edgar smiled but truly, he knew the truth and what she was going to become, but he stayed silent and smiled as he saw Colette happily talk about the potential adventures she would have with him and her scrapbook sidekick.

"God that's cringy"

Edgar thought to himself.

Suddenly, the orphanage, the grass, Colette, everything faded away and he woke up in a hospital bed.

He was bandaged up, the sun was shining outside his bedside window and he was wired to various machines.

Edgar felt a headache but he sat up in his bed but he felt tired.

"What the.... Where am I..."

He had went back to the present day and his old vision was a dream.

"Oh good! Your awake! You should be feeling a mild headache and possible tiredness but that's okay! You should be great to go in about 6 days or so, for now, you could stay here."

"What the.... What happened?"

" You and another woman were transported to this hospital for treatment, she's upstairs but not doing as well as you, but your extremely lucky to survive, you could've dies by injury, bleeding out, blacking out, fainting, and more! If your hungry, I could call a nurse to get you some food."

"Uh... No.. no I'm fine."

"Okay then! Remember, you can only start moving in a while, you gotta get used to the medicine we previously put you on, so it's not recommended to move around too much."

Alright... Thanks.."

The doctor left the room and Edgar laid back down on his bed contemplating his thoughts.

"You idiot... You let Colette get hurt!"

"Oh shut up, I tried my best. I couldn't stop her and I had to do something."

"Yes I know, but don't you think she might not make it out alive this time..? I know you didn't mean it, but maybe... Maybe you gotta accept the fact that this is the part someone dies"

"...I refuse to believe that. I know in my heart Colette won't go down this easy. I'm gonna go check on her the moment I get a chance."

"*Sigh* suit yourself, good luck."

Edgar didn't want to believe the fact that Colette could die but the doubt stayed in his mind, seeping through his heart and slowly consuming him, making him eager to get out of the hospital to see Colette again.

~timeskip to 6 days later~

Edgar finally was released and when he got back, he saw some flowers in his desk and a note. Strange.

He opened the note as he placed the bouquet of flowers on a nearby shelf and started reading the note.

"Dear Edgar,

You are out literal sworn enemy, but thank you very much for saving one of our comrades, and yes we still hate the people that you work with and we hate you too, but we send our thank yous from the small kindness in our cold hearts.

            -Signed, Belle.

Edgar smiled a little being happy that at least they cared. But that reminded him of something else important, Colette.

He rushed out the door while shoving the note into his jacket pocket as he rode his motorcycle to the hospital and rushed into the building and stopped at the counter.

"Excuse me , where is a patient called Colette?"

Edgar asked as he tried to catch his breath.

"Oh, she's upstairs-"

Before the counter lady could finish, Edgar was already running up the stairs all the way to Colette's floor.

He roamed the halls and found Colette laying in her bed, unconscious as her heart monitor beeped with a steady and slow rate.

Edgar looked at Colette's peacefully sleeping face. With bandages on her head and small plasters on her arms.

Edgar sat next to Colette's hospital bed and analyzed her doctors report.

"Patient, 308

Status: Unconscious

State: Coma

Estimated time of coma to end: Unknown.

Survival rate: 40%

Edgar started crying as he placed the clipboard back onto the table as he covered his face with his hands and started crying.

"I'm... I'm so so so sorry Collie.. I had to do it.."

"I promise... If you end up surviving... I'll explain it.. just please.."

"Don't go away."

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