AU lore dump

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Welcome to the spawn of all the AU lore, enjoy losing your sanity here.

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Thought one:

Colette enjoys taking notes of everything that happens to her in her scrapbook. Example:

"4 a.m. woke up to use the restroom

4: 45 a.m. I got carried away and read 5 Edgar X Reader and Spike X Reader fanfics on Wattpad. In total I read 10 fanfics in 45 minutes.

5 a.m. decided to go outside and get fresh air

5:30 a.m. found a small cute stray cat and named it Prince Lucas the 5th of the Meow Meow kingdom

5:45 a.m.  did my daily manifestation to my Spike Altar for about 15 minutes

6 a.m. decided to go back to sleep and built a pillow fort because I can't go to sleep

6:15 a.m. swallowed a bunch of pills to keep myself awake

7:45 a.m. woke up in the hospital

Edgar really hates children's songs, specifically the most annoying one aka the shark. Every time he hears it play he fantasizes about grabbing the baby shark and bashing it's head into a counter top until it doesn't stop bleeding. He makes sure that not a single children's toy is near him or he will personally bring it to the trash can or avoid it for the rest of the day.

Crow didn't intend to join the Villains, he just didn't fit with the brawler league and poisoning people for fun isn't a very.. heroic trait to have. Therefore leading him to join the rebellion as to better fit in with the crowd.

Bea enjoys using honey and she farms it from her beehive to donate to the local hospital for medicinal purposes and to make ailments for the injured and diseased patients. She works as a healer to the brawler league and is the main look of the medical support in the brawler league besides Rosa.

Carl likes to act smarter than the rest of his league because he assumes that ''Robots are superior beings'' or ''I just have more braincells''  but the rest of the League knows he has his dumb moments too.

Colette keeps a good outside image, looking well organized, coordinated and likes everyone that is around her but under that image, she's sleep deprived, hates very specific people in life and actually appears to be overworked. She likes to keep that image to not raise suspicion of her mental health.

Belle likes to gamble in her free time and visits the casino at night almost daily, most of the time she finds ways to win every game and bring home a huge stash of cash, ever since she was a young woman she played in the casinos all day practicing and studying the best strategies to win every game.

Virus 8-bit always likes to pull pranks on the Villain agency since he's the main computer that controls everything like lights, screens, air conditioners etc. So whenever Virus 8-bit thinks it's getting too quiet or boring in the building, they like to pull a few pranks to get it back on track. Like messing around with the lights, the temperature or the music that plays in the lounge area.

Emz is addicted to her social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram. She makes sure she uploads new pics daily and sometimes she even takes pics of where she works aka the Villains League Headquarters. She likes to mess around with her account and she really enjoys expressing herself with her outfits. If you think about she seems like the type to sing CPR in her office when she's bored.

Despite Eve's size, she has very big dreams for her alien colony to expand on earth, therefore she works for the villain agency as to help them if they help her. She has kids on her home planet but loves to take pics of them had has a friend on her planet to send pics of them whenever she can. Eve misses her home planet but can't go back since she's already done too much on earth to cancel.

Colette likes to talk to her plushies or animals since they can't understand her. Meaning she can say whatever she wants and even though they can't respond, she just enjoys being listened to and heard.

Colonel Ruffs funds most of the Weapons from the Brawler Agency, since he donates to them and even brings them weapons like bombs or missiles.

Sprout is considered to still be a living organism despite being a plant. They express their emotions by the lights that show on their buttons and they even have favourite foods, much like a human.

Fun fact: I was actually planning to let Edgar's natural hair colour be brown before he dyed his hair black but I ditched the idea because black was more original to fit his personality and emoness.

Tick is a very sensitive person that could blow at any moment, and being a huge walking bomb, that's not a very good thing to happen. So whenever they talk around him or to him, they have to be careful with their words. The villain agency also gave him a translator to translate what he says, example:

*After a meeting*

Belle: any questions?


Translator: If I had ears they would be fucking bleeding from your speech.

Colette likes to overwork herself and just passed out on her bed when she gets home, the reason why she overworks herself is due to her feeling like if she does good in her work, she has value and self worth.

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