T W E N T Y .

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"wow, it's real fucking crowded in here.." ayomide spoke, widened eyes inspecting the arena. you and your friends had arrived, frequently checking the signs that were plastered all over the walls to make sure you were making your way to the right seating area.

you weren't going to lie, you were kind of nervous to be attending. no matter how much you joked about not wanting to come, by now the boyband had since piqued your interest, and you were curious as to what they would be like in person.

especially the dread head you talked to frequently. as of late though, you hadn't heard from him. it didn't really bother you, as he was obviously very busy being a celebrity and all.

once everyone had made their way into the pit, hands gripped onto the barrier, the loud chatter of fans across the room invaded your sense of hearing, making it hard for you to hear whatever your friends were saying.

"i'm like so excited, we're literally front row." chioma eagerly rambled, knuckles practically turning white from how hard she was gripping onto the barrier. "i'm saying! anytime aaron t comes to this side of the stage, i'm going to grab his attention. shit, i'll even throw my drawls onstage." lance gushed, you shooting him a disgusting look.

you didn't even bother to respond, not even the slightest bit affected by the nasty shit your friends say. "i'm kinda surprised you decided to come." you hear from beside you. turning to look, you met eyes with yuna. raising a brow in confusion, you side eyed her.

"what are you tryin to say?" she just shrugged, which had you even more lost. her actions were out of the norm, so it had you on guard. you don't know why, considering you had never threatened or anything by her.

"it's just like.. you was always complaining about how you hated 4town, so it's mad weird to see you here, ya feel?" you blinked slowly, resisting the urge to smack her for the weird, dumb shit she was saying. "um, i thought you knew all of that was a joke. guess not." you mumbled, turning back to the stage when the lights completely dimmed, music starting to play.

watching the five boys enter onto the stage one by one, you couldn't lie, they were much better than you thought they were going to be. their vocals were soothing, and their songs were catchy.

you noticed aaron z, who was on the other side of the stage interacting with fans. you hadn't even realize that your eyes were still on the male, focusing on only him as he maneuvered his way around the stage, only snapping out of it when he was closer to you than he had been previously.

turning his head, he locked eyes with yours, staring at you with an expression you couldn't figure out. you opted to smile slightly at him, waving, but he didn't do anything except look away. with that action, it definitely left you slightly shocked and bewildered. but you shrugged it off, thinking that he probably didn't see you.

until it happened continuously. multiple times, he was over to where you and your friends stood, interacting with the crowd. he even talked with yuna for a bit, who was standing right next to you, not once glancing your way.

at this point, you were kinda pissed. last time the both of you texted, it seemed as if everything was fine. so what could you have possibly done to make him act like this?

you huffed, mood now having gone sour as you stood there with your arms crossed. with the kids behind pushing into you every chance they got, and z completely ignoring you, you were completely angry, waiting for them to hurry up and play their last song, so you could head home.

(it's my bday btw , in exchange 4 makin this lovely fic i betta see y'all hoes comment 💁🏽‍♀️)

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