T H I R T Y - T W O .

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the group of teenagers were resting comfortably in their frequent hangout spot, enjoying the warm spring breeze that blew past them. it had been a few days since the group had last seen each other, deciding on a day to hang out and relax.

"why is y/n always the last person to show up? i swear, she can never make it to places on time." chioma complained, rolling her eyes. her complaint caused the others to laugh, knowing what you were like.

"ok bitch, next time i'll show up two hours late." you spoke as you popped up in front of the group, startling them. hand pressed against his chest, lance looked at you crazily. "bro, why do you just pop up out of nowhere? that shit is freighting."

you shrugged, grabbing the blunt from in between ayomide's fingers and bringing it to your lips, taking a long hit. "'cause i want to." your eyes traveled, landing on each individual that was present as of now. you slightly smirked, knowing how chaotic it'd be in just a bit.

"so what have you been up to, y/n? we haven't heard from you since you met up with z." elvira questioned, arm extending to retrieve the blunt that laid hostage in your grasp. you moved your hand away, smiling.

"oh, i don't know. just been figuring out some stuff..." you trailed off. the words that left your mouth had the others looking at you in confusion, not understanding what you meant. awkwardly looking around, ayomide chimed in. "what 'stuff'?"

"ya know, me and z talked for awhile. remember how i apparently blocked him? yeah, that wasn't me."

"the hell? if it wasn't you, then who was it?" elvira asked, eyes wide. you chuckled, glancing at her. "i wonder."

passing the blunt to lance, you stretched your limbs, then laying your back up against the chilly grass. "we all hung out on the day i supposedly blocked him, so it could've been any of you." you started. you already one hundred percent knew who the perpetrator was, but building up the suspense might make them confess on their own, which would be less embarrassing than you calling them out.

"anyways, whoever it is, i'm giving you a chance right now to just fess up. don't worry, no one is gonna be mad." everyone warily glanced at one another, shrugging in confusion. seeing as how no one was going to talk, you just decided to say it upfront.

"elvira. why did you do it?" lance, ayomide, and chioma instantly snapped their gaze onto the female, absolutely shocked. "it was you who did it, vira?" lance asked, slight betrayal lance in the tone of his words.

"what are you talking about.. why would i do that?" she turned to face you. "why would you just accuse me and not have any evidence to back up your claim?"

you shushed her, shaking your head disappointedly. "what do you mean? i'm y/n, of course i have evidence as to why i know it's you." chioma sighed, angrily staring at the brunette haired, lance and ayomide following.

"are you just trying to get rid of the people you don't like? is that why you had everyone turn on yuna and kicked her out the group!?"

you placed the palm of your hand on your chest, feigning hurt at the accusations elvira spat your way. "do you really think i'd waste my energy on yuna if i didn't like her?" you sneered, leaning in to face her, finding pleasure from the way her face quivered with fear.

"c'mon, vira. you know me better than that! anyways," you backed up, plopping back down onto the ground. "you were the last person i hung out with that day. not to mention, you also know the password to my phone, right?"

she didn't say anything, head drooping down to avoid contact. you tutted, slightly disappointed you weren't getting the reaction out of her you had initially thought you would. "well, whatever. i'm not angry, i just want to know why you did it."

it was quiet for a bit. a minute or two had probably passed by the time she lifted her head, teeth gritted in anger. you wondered what excuse she'd give as to why she did the dumb shit she did.

"i did it because i envy you, that's why!" the stupidest expression definitely covered your face as of now, gazing over at the others to confirm what elvira said is true. "you're joking.. right?"

"no. i seriously envy you. how you have such loving friends, how attractive and confident you are, and how you're so popular with girls and guys alike."

you laughed in her face. that was the same exact excuse yuna used, and you weren't going to fall for it a second time. "you and yuna sure have a bunch of insecurities, huh? so let me guess. you and yuna planned this whole hint together, yeah?"

elvira shook her head to your surprise. "i blackmailed yuna into doing all the things she did."

"blackmailed her with what?"

she hesitated, fidgeting with the tears in her jeans. "we don't have all day bitch. spit it out." lance rushed, which caused her to sigh.

"she has a crush on y/n, but she didn't trust any of you because she was jealous of how close y'all were with her, so she came to me. but i told her flat out how much i hated y/n, which caused her to not trust me either."

"but i knew she was going to rat me out, and knowing how much she wanted to keep her crush a secret, i blackmailed her into helping me fuck you over. so that once you had no one left, she could be the shoulder you could cry on."

you all looked at her crazily. you could barely even process the information she told you, finding it straight up weird.

"you're sick in the head, and you need help." lance said straight up, to which everyone else agreed. "ya, you're fucking weird."

"well it's not my fault! why is it that y/n has fans everywhere she goes? she's not even a good person! she knew that z had a crush on her, but went and flirted with taeyoung right in front of him! imagine how he felt."

you blinked slowly, the urge to sock her in the face being hard to resist. "nigga, what the fuck are you talking about?"

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