T W E N T Y - T W O .

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"uh, they haven't even glanced at one another." ayomide whispered, leaning towards robaire so no one else could hear. the black boy nodded in agreement, clicking his tongue disappointedly. "z was all sad before y'all got here, why is he in such a good mood now?"

she shook her head, sighing. "maybe he's trying to act like he's alright.." ayomide suggested. her eyes wandered over to where you stood, watching as you conversed with both taeyoung and aaron t. surprisingly, it looked like you were having a good time, so she didn't have to worry about you starting anything.

"you right. z has always been a little shy, so it was surprising how bold he was with y/n." robaire spoke, looking over at his bandmate who was seated on one of the couches placed in the room. "especially since it's been a couple days now, i would've expected for him to have tried and talk to her by now. but i guess not.."

ayomide shrugged, swinging her legs. "i ain't even know him and yuna got this close in the days they stopped talking. it's all just suspicious to me."

across the room where you were located, you were enjoying the conversation you were having with aaron t and taeyoung, but your social battery was not going to last much longer. you were ready to go home, getting cranky as the minutes went by.

you had expected aaron z to come up and talk to you at least one time, but it never happened. he sat on the couch, with yuna, giggling away like a newlywed couple. you wouldn't say you were envious or anything, because why would you be?

those two can two can giggle away like a gas station crackhead as much as they'd like.

even though you were still pissed, you continuously wracked your brain as you tried to remember all the previous conversations the two of you had. but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary came up, which is why the whole situation was weird.

deciding to push away your thoughts, focusing on the conversation at head, you noticed taeyoung staring at you worriedly. "y/n are you alright? you don't look too good.." he asked, his expression one of concern. you rose a brow, staring up at him, a slight frown tugging at your lips. "you telling me i look ugly or something?" you questioned the blonde, watching him instantly panic.

"woah— i'd never! i'm just saying that you don't look good as in.. you don't look like you're feeling well..." you laughed as his cheeks were tinted red, finding it cute. patting his shoulder, you reassured him. "i'm messing with ya, tae. don't worry, i'm fine."

you smiled as his face rid of anxiousness, a look of relief replacing it instead. you weren't lying all those times you spoke about finding taeyoung cute. his personality was attractive too, and he was sweet.

you'd never actually try to get with him though. knowing how much elvira liked the band member, you wouldn't try and ruin the friendship that they could possibly build in the future.

feeling a hand placed on your shoulder, you turned to see chioma, who stood with ayomide and lance. "we're leaving. say goodbye to your nigga and go." she joked, playfully rolling her eyes. you only scrunched your nose up, hitting the back of her arm. "bitch."

you quickly turned to face taeyoung and t, smiling brightly at them. "i may be a 4town hater, but y'all are real cool. it was nice meeting ya." "you too y/n!" aaron t responded. taeyoung only smiling back and waving.

as you exited the room, you glanced over to where the dread head sat, eyes widening slightly when you noticed he too was looking at you. you searched his face for any hint of resentment, anger, something that would put your mind at ease.

but you couldn't read him. you just sighed, turning your back once more and leaving.

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