disclaimer and characters

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Hello! Just for a quick introduction, I am the author of On Assignment. This story is in first person with alternating point of views. Before starting, please read through this disclaimer!


On Assignment is a mafia romance that does involve adult subjects such as violence, strong language, and mature themes. In other words, there's sex. If you do not find yourself suited to read any of the above please click out now. My story is also intended for mature audiences only. Now, that does not mean you must be over eighteen because I know that, even if I said you had to be, none of you would listen. All I ask is that you don't act like a child in the comments!

Another note, the characters in this story are flawed. You won't always agree with what they do or say and most of the time I will be with you on that. I gave both Mila and Dante strong personalities to try and add spice to the story. If you don't like them then that is fine, but once again, please don't act like a child.


For the love of God herself, don't steal my writing and just come up with your own ideas. Small similarities are okay seeing as my story contains some too, however, if you blatantly copy my plot line and characters then that is plagiarism plain and simple. Make your own story. Just search up story ideas on Pinterest or something. If you steal my work then I will feel extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed for you.


Mila De León - 24 (Mee-la)

Mila De León - 24 (Mee-la)

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Dante Caruso - 26

Started: April 4th, 2022-M<3

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Started: April 4th, 2022

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