Chapter 26

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Umar enters his room and shut the door behind him. He kept the book and the phone he was studying with on his side drawer and lay on his bed for a rest. He sighed loudly, feeling a bit exhausted though he didn't do anything at all today other than studying. You know when you wake up and suddenly feel as if you're not feeling well? That's how he's feeling right now. He wanted to have a nap, but before he could, he heard the sound of prayer been called.

With the exhaustion and tiredness he's having, he dragged his feet to the bathroom and performed ablution. He couldn't go to the mosque as he's feeling weak, so he spreads his mat and began praying Asr. Having done with the prayer, he folded his mat and begins the supplication after Salah. After he's done, he raised his hand to pray to his Lord and beg for his heart desires, for forgiveness and a good ending.

"Oh Allah, you're the only one who can grant one his wishes. You're the giver of everything as well as the knower of one's wishes. There's none who can withhold what you give, and none may give what you have withheld. Grant us our wishes and forgive all our sins—knowingly or unknowingly—for you're Alghaffur."

Oh Allah, set us to the right path. Don't let us go astray. May we have a pure heart and be able to abstain from any evil and bad group. May our lives be full of happiness without sorrow In Sha Allah. If we eventually die, let us meet together with our loved ones in Jannah in a state of serene.

"Amin." He muttered, feeling a bit emotional seeking for prayers from Allah. Every single day, both in Sujood and rukoo, in shaf'i and in witr, in fact, even in the middle of a rainfall, he never stops pouring out his wants to Allah. This is something he does every time which becomes more of a norm. Also, he never forgets to include Nadiya in his prayers. This is because, it is currently what he's facing and is disturbing him everyday.

Ya Sami'i, you're aware of one's activities, you know what he does and what he desires, you know what is right for him and what is not. Ya Ra'uf! Grant me my heart desires and the love I have for her, if it's the right feeling, help me, but if it's a wrong feeling, then guide me to the right way and let the love I have for Nadiya be seen and be accepted by her.

He loves her no doubt, but if she doesn't feel the same and doesn't know, it's of no use right? Granted, he feels the need to tell her because she needs to know, it's either a yes or no, but he's having a hunch about her not feeling the same. Hikmah's words however, keeps ringing in his ears like a mantra. Quite alright, she's absolutely right. If his little sister is telling him this, then for the sake of shame, he should really tell Nadiya about his feelings for her. However, Hikmah is a girl too, so it probably annoy her that he hasn't told Nadiya yet. Truth be told, he will hate it if his little sister face the same thing. So to avoid that, he has promise himself to tell Nadiya about his feelings. For real, this time.


About an hour and half later after Nadiya has left, Zaliha woke up from sleep and that's the exact time the call of prayer started. She didn't know she could get that sleep she woke up from. Well, she didn't even know she would sleep until she woke up and checked the time and discovered that it's not the earlier time she knew before. She also didn't find Nadiya with her. She probably left when she started sleeping and being the nice girl she is, she let her sleep and didn't disturb her.

In all honesty, she needed the sleep too and it was thoughtful of her when she didn't wake her up, even though she came to see her and check up on her.

Sighing loudly and dizziness clouding her whole body, she finally stood and headed to the bathroom to freshen up as well as perform ablution. She comes out of the bathroom and began to pray. During her Sujood and rukoo, she prayed and begged Allah to grant her a quick recovery from the sickness disturbing her. She's hoping she will get better soon before school days. She really doesn't want to stay at home while there's lectures going on. Yes, that's how nerdy she is. Everything about school, she never takes it lightly since from day one. In fact, when she's ill and is not disturbing her too much, she still goes to school. But this time around, the illness is really not one who will let her off. She can't even stand up well, talk more of going out and attend a lecture. So far, the injection she's taking is ameliorating the sickness but surprisingly, in the next seven hours or the next day, it worsens.

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