(22) Now you hide like the ghost

19 1 23

//Johnny's pov//

Mom had told Sheila about her girlfriend last week and, surprisingly, she was very happy.

Today mom's girlfriend would be coming over, and it was a friday, so Nick was here too, we were currently laying spread on the couch, Nick was on top of me and playing with my hand.

Sheila was upstairs in her room and mom had gone to the kitchen, to check on the dinner.

"Nick" I say softly "why do you act like you never went through all of that fucked up stuff?" I ask, cringing at the words I chose, if I could go back in time I would choose better words, defenetly.

"It hurts too much, so I just distract myself from it, and when I can't I face it, but you make me almost forget all of that" he answers, kissing me softly afterwards.

Then he lays his head on my chest again and we return to the silence.

There's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" mom shouts, excitement in her voice, as she runs to the door and opens it.

Nick and I sit up, but he refuses to get off of my lap, I get up and he still refuses to let go of me.

"Seriously" I say unimpressed.

"You're warm" he whines, snugling his head on my neck, I just chuckle and kiss the top of his head.

I walk to the front door with Nick still clinging on me, and that earns some chuckles coming from the woman in front of me and a red headed teen, that I recognised as Robin Skinner, he's one of those kids that's popular for being nice to everyone.

"Well, this is Violet" (I know that's not Robbie's mom's real name, but I can't remember it, amd this is a fanfic, so) mom says, pointing at the woman, she too had ginger hair and she gave Nick and I a sweet smile "and I think you already know Robbie".

"It's nice to meet you" she says, smiling.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Johnny, by the way, and this is Nick" I say with a small chuckle at the end, because Nick had mumbled a "hi" that was muffled due to him having his face pressed to my neck.

"Why don't you boys go to Johnny's room while dinner isn't ready" mom sugests and I nod, giving Robbie a smile and gesturing with my head for him to follow.

We go upstairs and into my room, once we're all there I close the door and sit with Nick on my bed.

Robbie looks around, he seems a bit nervous.

"Uhm, can I?" He asks, pointing to my desk chair and I nod.

We stay in an akward silence for a good minute, untill Robbie breaks it.

"It's weird to think that you have the same father as I do, but then again, it's weird to just say he's my father" Robbie says, kinda mumbling, but it's loud enough for me to listen.

"Yeah, it's weird, but why is it weird for you to think that he's your father?" I ask him and he seems like he regrets what he had said.

"For one side, he was never home, and when he was" he stops for a bit, seeming to look for the right words "let's just say he wasn't the nicest person".

"Oh" I say simply and look down at Nick, who is getting off of my lap, then he sits down next to me.

He seems to be thinking deeply about something.

"Nick, are you okay?" I ask softly.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about... stuff" he answers and I nod as he puts his head on my shoulder.

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