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As we made our way through the familiar hall towards the common area, Tony came sauntering out through the doors.

He seemed distracted with whatever it was he was engrossed in, looking up only briefly from the files in his hand to give Nat a half smile.

Then he spied me.

"Hey Kid!" He beamed. Stopping in his tracks to make his way over and give me a quick hug. "Glad to see you made it...although." He looked over his glasses at me. "I don't remember picking that outfit out...Do you Nat?" He teased.

I slapped his arm playfully, as I laughed at him. "Remember to add class clown to your resume Stark." I joked back. "You know we should really get you onto a stage someday!"

"Oh it's already on there. Don't worry you're pretty head about that." He laughed as he walked off, waving back over his shoulder. "See you both in an hour or two. Don't get too drunk just yet Nat. Please?"

"I'm making no promises!" She laughed as she grabbed my hand and dragged me off in search of Wanda.

As we entered into the common area, Steve looked up over Bucky's shoulder to see Nat dragging me in.

"Y/N?" He seemed surprised to see me, as his brows pulled together.

I smiled at him as I pulled Nat to a stop, "Hi Steve." That's when I turned to look at whoever was on the sofa with him to greet them as well. Only to find James sat on the sofa, casually slinging his left arm over the back of it. His mouth hanging agape as he stared at me, the glass in his right hand seemingly empty.

"Ah. James? Hi." I breathed, truth be told a little surprised to see him here, sat so comfortably with Steve. I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn red as he continued to stare at me.

Finally he spoke. "Hi Doll. Fancy seeing you here?"

I nodded, my eyes dropping to look at the hem of my denim shorts as I played nervously with it. "Ah-yeah. This party tonight. Tony invited me weeks ago. Before you and I met actually." I let out a nervous laugh. "You-are you going?" I asked, chancing looking up at him to be met with those steel blue eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah I am actually." He replied casually.

"Oh. That's good." I nodded smiling at him, then the image of him entering the party with another date flashed through my head. And I felt a twinge of jealousy course through my veins.

I pushed it down, turning to look at Nat who was watching our exchange smugly. "Ah Nat. I suppose we better go get ready?" I half asked, half demanded as I pushed her towards the doors.

"Yeah I suppose we would." She smiled at me gently, sensing my urgency to leave the room before I was the colour of a tomato. 

Before we made it through the doors he called out to me.


Fuck. The way that sounded.

I stopped dead in my tracks, slowly looking over my shoulder at him.

"You will look drop dead gorgeous tonight I have no doubt." He smiled at me.

I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked back at him, there he was, looking at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. Again.

"Thanks..." I murmured before hurrying away flustered as my face burned crimson again.

As we reached Wanda's room, Nat burst out laughing as she pulled me inside.

"My god! You two make me sick!"

I threw her a dirty look, "Nat..." I began but she cut me off.

"The two of you need to do it already too! Don't think I didn't see you checking him out. You were almost drooling at one point!" She teased me.

"Who was checking who out?" Wanda asked as she made her way out of the bathroom struggling to get a pin to stay in her hair.

"Let me." I said as I made my way over to her, hoping it would distract them.

"Thanks hun." She smiled.

"James and Y/N." Nat rolled her eyes, "that's who."

"Oh so it's true you two did go out on a date?"

"I-I. Yeah...Well. I wasn't going to say no! Have you seen the man? It's like God decided to break the mould with him," I huffed out a breath as I finally fixed the pin into Wanda's hair securely. "Wait how do you know James?"

Wanda shot Nat a look, "Ah. Well. He works with Tony. He's here quite often." She assured me.

"Yeah. He's been quite secretive about some stuff. Like what he does for Tony." I knitted my eyebrows together. "But he's just a regular guy...does he drive for Tony?" I asked looking up at them.

There was a knock at the door and I didn't miss the fact the two girls in front of me seemed relieved. Nat hurried to open it to find James leaning against the doorframe casually.

"Is Y/N there?" I heard him asking Nat.

Nat opened the door and gestured for me to come over. "Ohhh Y/N! Lover boy is calling..." she sang, mockingly.

I felt my cheeks flush again as I hurried over, shoving her with my hips as I threw her a look.

He smiled down at me when I tore my stare from Nat.

"Hi," He said as he reached for my hand, pulling me outside of the room. "Can-can I speak to you?" He seemed hesitant.

I nodded, making sure to close the door behind me to give us some privacy. When I heard it click I let go of the handle and turned around.
As I did, he pulled me into him, leaning down to kiss me.

I couldn't help how quickly my body reacted to him. My arms automatically found their way to wrap around his neck, as I pushed myself onto my tiptoes so I could reach his lips better.

They tasted of alcohol and mint.

When my back gently met the wall I knew I had to break this kiss off or I would end up trying to dry hump the man shamelessly right here.

With that I pulled back, dropping my eye contact and biting my lip.

"We better stop..." I hummed.

"Yeah." His hands fell from my waist and I could swear I almost seen a glimmer of something...metallic? "I suppose we better." He half laughed, pulling my attention away.

I looked up at him. Like really looked at him. He was so handsome. I found it hard to believe he was interested in me in this instance.

"I just wanted to say hello. You know? Properly Doll, after..." he trailed off, his whole body tensing.

He was referring to what happened with Nat last night.

I reached forwards and took his right hand, "Well if that's how you always say hello? I look forwards to hearing from you more often." I smirked.

I seen the relief wash over his face. "Oh you will...I plan on it Doll."

We stood there for a moment just looking at each other, James' eyes kept hovering down to glance at my lips. I could feel my heart rate spiking as I resisted the urge to kiss him again.

The electricity in the air was heavy and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep resisting him. Even if he hadn't told me everything yet.

With that Wanda's room door burst open, "if you two are done oogling each other and making out? Y/N really needs to get ready James. You will have plenty of time with her later." Nat announced as she tore me back into the room slamming the door in his face.

"Nat!" I exclaimed.

"Oh bitch please. If we left you two out there any longer you would have been bumping uglies right there in the middle of the hall floor!" She laughed. "Now come on." She gestured towards Wanda who was sitting in front of her vanity table.

I shook my head, smirking at her. There was no point arguing because she was right. So instead I rolled my eyes at her before turning my attention to Wanda. "Let's get you ready for this party then."

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