Turtle Soup

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"How the hell are we going to get in?" Raph asks, the anger in his voice is loud and clear. "This is such a stupid fucking idea, Leo!" He screams.
"We don't have another option!" Leo yells back, matching Raph's anger. "We have to rescue Karai before they move her in the morning, we have no other option! This is our last chance!"
"We need a better plan!" Raph protests.
"I have a plan!" Leo sighs and rubs his eyes. He takes a deep breath and looks at Raph again. "We went over this, Donnie's going to cut a hole in the window, we are going to use a suction cup to pull out the glass so it doesn't break, and then we sneak in and get to the dungeon." Despite all the tension and anger, Leo does his best to speak calmly.
"Do you realize how stupid you sound?" Raph matches Leo's volume, but Raph's tone is sharper and more intense.
"I wish I had popcorn," Mikey whispers to Donnie. Donnie responds by elbowing Mikey in the stomach. "Hey!" Mikey whines and he rubs his stomach while scowling at Donnie.
"How is that plan stupid, Raph?" Leo yells again and he gets in Raph's face. Raph shoves Leo backward, sending him stumbling into Mikey. Mikey catches himself by grabbing onto Donnie. Leo brushes himself always from Mikey and stands toe-to-toe with Raph. Donnie and Mikey exchange glances.
Raph and Leo lock their eyes and growl at each other.
"You realize the window you're talking about is right above Shredder! Do you really think we could sneak past him like that? Mikey, he'll, he will fall and blow our cover!" Raph folds his arms over his chest. "Get it through your fucking skull, Leo. This plan will fail."
"Hey!" Mikey whines for the second time. He pouts and he folds his arms over his chest. Donnie snickers, getting a look of betrayal from Mikey.
"Oh yeah, if you're so smart then what's your genius plan, huh?" Leo crosses his arms and shifts his weight so most of it is on his left leg.
"We'd have better luck walking through the front doors," Raph says, giving Leo a daring look.
"Are you kidding me?! You just want to walk into SHREDDER'S lair. At least my plan is stealthy," Raph rolls his eyes.
"Your plan is fucking stupid and it won't work. We know the dungeon is right downstairs from the front doors. We can fight our way through, get Karai, and get out! Right, Donnie!?"
The furious brothers both look at Donnie. Donnie flinches and his eyes are wide like a deer in headlights.
"Y-yeah," Donnie cautiously speaks. "The dungeon is in the basement, so it's a little unnecessary to go to the top floor..."
"See, Donnie just said that my plan is better!"
Raph gloats in Leo's face.
"No, that is NOT what I said. " Donnie says as he looks back and forth between his brothers, fear is written all over his face. He can't pick a side. Both of their plans sound stupid, but he doesn't have a plan of his own.
"I'll side with Leo this time if you take Raph's side," Mikey whispers to Donnie, giving him a little wink.
"Mikey, what do you think?" Leo crosses his arms as he turns to his youngest brother.
Mikey goes to speak, but before he can Raph cuts him off.
"Fuck this," Raph says and he jumps off the roof of the building and he lands on the metal fire escape with a loud clank.
"SHH!" Leo scolds as he looks down the edge of the building. "Raph what are you doing!?" Raph ignores Leo and he jumps down to the second fire decals. "Wait! Raph!" Leo throws himself off of the roof, landing quietly.
Donnie and Mikey exchange worried glances as they run after their brothers.
"This is going to end badly," Donnie mumbles as his feet hit the sidewalk. Raph and Leo are already standing on Shredder's porch, right in front of the door.
Leo is trying to block Raph from getting to the door, and Raph is trying to shove Leo out of the way.
"Raph, wait!" Leo whispers harshly. "Just- let's talk for a minute."
"Get out of my way, Leo. I'm sick of talking. I'm actually trying to save your little girlfriend."
"Don't call her that!" Leo gets flustered, but the fear, anxiety, and anger are too overpowering for him to give a shit right now. "Please, I just need you to listen to me!" Leo grabs Raph's shoulders and he forces eye contact. "Please."
For a millisecond....one millisecond Raph's face softens and a wave of guilt washes over him. But the wave washed away quickly, and he pulls away when he spots his brothers.
Mikey and Donnie catch up with Raph and Leo, and they are not happy.
"Guys!" Donnie tries to scold them, but it's absolutely no use. "Are you two trying to get us killed!?" He yells.
"What's going on out here?" A fishy voice says as the door opens. Behind the two large doors stand Fish Legs and Razar, and behind them are at least two-dozen Foot Soldiers.
"WAY TO GO!" Raph yells and he shoves Leo.
"How is this my fault!?" Leo yells back, resisting the urge to tackle his own brother. "Donnie is the one who yelled!" Donnie gulps as a head of sweat drips down his forehead.
"Can we consider a retreat?" Mikey says as he tugs on Donnie's arm and he cowards behind him. "Please?" He adds on as he grips Donnie's arm tighter.
"He actually has a good idea for once...what do you say, Leo?" Donnie says, glancing at Leo, failing to hide the fear in his voice. Mikey is too fearful to react to Donnie's comment.
Razar and Fish Face exchange glances.
"Razar, did you order some turtle soup?"
"Mmm, yes I did." Razar answers with a low growl, licking his chops as he looks at the four turtles.
"We even get to kill and cook it ourselves." Fish Face grins, showing off his spine-chilling teeth.
"The best kind of turtle soup." Razar readies his bone-like claws for battle-
Before Razar can do anything, Raph charges at him and tackles him into the lair, giving the rest of the team a chance to get in.
The room floods with Foot, followed by Tiger Claw.
"What is going on down here!?" Tiger Claw yells as he stares at the chaos. "You let the turtles into the lair! Master Shredder will be gravely disappointed." Tiger Claw pulls out the two swords that he had stored behind his back.
"We'll just have to kill them before Shredder finds out," Fish Face says with a grin while looking at Donnie. Donnie gulps as he takes down two Foot Soldiers with his staff.
Tiger Claw locks eyes with Leo. Then he charges at him, slamming him against the wall.
"You are stupid for coming here." Tiger Claw yells at Leo, but all of the other turtles heard it too. Everyone knew that this mission was going to fail, especially with Ralph's plan. His plan is a recipe for disaster.
Tiger Claw pins Leo to the wall and he pulls his fist back. He lets out a roar as he gets ready to punch in Leo's teeth.
Raph doesn't hesitate, he jumps on Tiger Claw's back to get him away from Leo. "Get to the Basement!" Leo yells. He gets his swords ready and takes down three Foot Soldiers that charged towards him after Raph for Tiger Claw distracted.
"I don't think that's possible, dude!" Mikey yells back, responding to Leo.
Tiger Claw throws Raph off of his back, and while Tiger Claw is distracted, Leo takes that opportunity to hit him with a surprise attack. Leo throws himself into the air and he manages to land a kick on Tiger Claw's head.
Tiger Claw stumbles backward and he lets out a low growl as his eyes target the blue turtle.

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