chapter 1

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  "michelle, hi!" mrs. wheeler said as i knocked on her door to pick up my brother.

  "hi mrs. wheeler." i responded with a smile. "just here to pick up dustin."

  "they're in the basement."

i said a quick thanks and made my way downstairs to find the group of four playing their usual game of Dungeons and Dragons.

  "hey losers." i announced touching dustin's head followed by a sound of annoyance from my baby brother. "mom said it's time to go."

  "but the campaign." he protested throwing his hands at the board.

  "it's dark out dustin, you know mom's rule-"

  "be home by the time the streetlights are on." dustin finished, rolling his eyes and nodding his head in a 'yeah-yeah' motion. "i'll see you guys later."

dustin and i walked out of the wheeler's just in time to see nancy and steve walking up to the house.

  "m-michelle." nancy said to me with a smile.

  "nancy." i replied stopping in my tracks, grabbing dustin by the shoulders.

  "how've you been?"

  "i've been just fine."

  "henderson." steve greeted me with a nod of the head.

  "harrington." i responded, looking over at steve. "i see you're still driving that piece of shit around."

  "i see you still have a nerd for a brother." steve retorted.

  "watch your-"

  "steve." nancy warned, looking towards the door signaling that she wanted to go in.

  "come on dustin." i said pulling him towards my 1984 Chevy Corvette. my prized possession. my baby. black exterior, black interior. zero to sixty in six seconds. i loved it more than shopping for clothes. it took me forever to convince my mom to get it. but when i saw it outside on my birthday, i cried. to this day, it's still the happiest day of my life.

  "i don't see why you ever dated that asshole." dustin mentioned when we got in the car.

  "yeah, i know." i sighed, starting the car and pulling away from the wheeler's house.


"morning." i yawned walking into the kitchen the next morning for breakfast.

"good morning, sweetie." mom smiled at me as i sat down at the table.

as soon as i sat down, the phone rang and i stood up again to answer it.

  "this is the hendersons, michelle speaking." i said, standing at the phone.

"oh hi michelle, it's ms. byers." the woman responded, sounding sort of panicked.

"oh hey ms. byers, what can i do for you?"

"i was just wondering if will came home with you and dustin last night, he wasn't in his room this morning."

"no, i'm sorry. the last time i saw him was when i picked dustin up last night. he probably just went to school early to check out the new av system. if i see him i'll let you know."

"oh, would you, please?"

"you got it ms. byers." i responded with a smile before hanging up the phone.

"what's wrong?" dustin asked.

"ms. byers couldn't find will this morning." i explained. "he probably just went to school early, nothing to get too worked up about. can you bike to school today? i have to get to school early and i'm gonna be late if i don't leave soon."

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