chapter 2

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  mature themes present 😝 cw: weed, underage drinking, smut, oc x eddie, language, sexual tension (maybe? if you squint), PinV, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, orgasm denial, light praising (and i mean like once)

"ok here's what's going to happen." i started as we stood in mike wheeler's basement. "mike, she's gonna crash here and in the morning after everyone's gone i will come get her and bring her to our house while mom's at work and then i'll sneak her back here and she can sleep here again."

  "why can't she just sleep at your house?" mike protested.

  "because we have no room, plus you wanted to go looking for will and instead you found a girl so...finders keepers."

  "that's not fair!"

"seems pretty fair to me." lucas chimed in.

"yeah." dustin added.

"alright so we're all agreed then, she stays here for the night. mike grab her some clean clothes, she needs to be dry before she gets sick."

mike walked over to a laundry basket and grabbed some clothes for the girl, handing them to her. we all watched as she stood up and almost got undressed in front of us.

"no!" the boys shouted making her jump.

"why don't you go into the bathroom over there and change alright?" i suggested guiding her in the direction of the bathroom. i went to close the door but she stopped me, shaking her head vigorously no. "no closed door?"

"no." she replied quietly looking down.

"okay, how about i stand outside with my back turned and the boys will stay over there."

she nodded and i turned around making sure the boys couldn't see her and she changed quickly.

"dustin we have to go." i said after the girl changed. "i have swim practice in the morning."

"you can't just leave now, what am i supposed to do with her?"

"figure it out mike, this isn't my problem anymore. i have my own life with my own problems, i will be back tomorrow morning to get her, after swim practice."


the next morning i woke up early and got ready for swim, eating quickly i rushed out to my car only to see steve sitting on the hood.

i rolled my eyes and asked him, "what are you doing here steve."

"you know i've been trying to be nice to you michelle, but what you did last night was fucked up."

"aww that's so sweet that you've you been trying to be nice." i replied sarcastically. "all i was doing was trying to break mike out of his house for dustin, you were my best chance of getting it done."

"you got nancy in deep shit just to help out her little brother?"

"i don't give a shit how much trouble nancy's in. i stopped giving a shit when she decided to be a cunt and went out with you of all people."

"it's been two months michelle, you need to give it a rest."

"it's been two months since we've broken up steve, i'm sorry my feelings don't just go away like others."

"so you still have feelings for me, that's what this is all about."

"of course i still have feelings for you steve! when you're with someone every second of the day for two years they don't just magically go away! that might've been the case for you but that wasn't the case for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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