Part 4

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"Alisha wake up, you goin' to school?" Corey asked his sister while shaking her.

"Mmm what?" She said tirely.

"Get up man, you goin' to school or what?" He said while slipping his shirt over his head.

Instead of answering his question Alisha just jumped straight up and walked inside the bathroom. She looked into the mirror and examined her face. The swelling went down tremendously but a purple mark under her eye and scratches still existed. Alished sighed while patting under her eye with her index finger trying to feel the puffiness. Her lip was no longer bleeding but she had some dried up blood on her face.

Alisha got in the shower and put her face under the running water. The time to herself helped her reflect on a few things in her life, how her dad left her, how her mother no longer loved her and how her life was as a whole. She didn't always have to live in the projects, she didn't live in the suburbs either. Before her dad left they used to stay in a big 3 bedroom just across town, it was nothing fancy but it was better than being poor and living in the projects.

Alisha's mother lived off walfare and food stamps. Even with there being food stamps, there was barley ever any food in the house since Ms. Kathy would have to end up selling some of the stamps for some extra spending cash. There have been many days were Alisha and Corey would sneak extra food out the school cafeteria just to bring home but they never told anyone out of embarrassment.

Alisha caught hereself in her thoughts when she felt herself beginning to cry. She immediately snapped out of it and finished her shower.

She dried herself off and began to dress herself. She put on her Holister crop top with her acid washed high-waisted daisy dukes and sandels. It was nothing fancy but it went as a pass.

Every now and then Alisha would shoplift to stay in trendy clothes. Not only for herself but for her younger brother and sister.

After she slipped on her clothes she fixed her hair and put a little bit of her mothers concealer on her eye to cover the purple mark. She never wore make up because she had natural beauty but today was an exception.

She exited the bathroom and noticed her brother had left with the kids already, she was actually happy that she didn't take them and could make it to school earlier than usual.


Alisha approached the bus stop where she seen Monica sitting.

"Took you long enough, thought I was gone have to ride the bus by myself again. Where Sage and Kayla?" Monica asked.

Alisha took her seat "Girl the day just started and you already talking shit, goodmorning to you too." She giggled. "Corey took them to daycare for me" she continued "and guess what?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah what's up?" Monica replied.

"Me and my mama go into it again last night, I'm gettin' so tired of this shit, it feels like there's no escaping it. I don't have peace in my home." She said sadly.

"Why did y'all get into it in the first place?" Monica asked concerned.

Alisha ended up going into detail about the whole Kevin thing that lead up to her mothers outrage. In the middle of her story the bus pulled up and they got on and sat down.

"You know I always tell you to keep strong for Sage and Kayla and that's what you need to do, they need you. It hurts me to hear the stuff you say and I feel for you but you gotta put up with her bullshit for the next 2 years". Monica said concerned.

"I know, if I leave they have nobody but Corey and I know Corey can't do it by hiself. I don't know what Im'ma do but I don't wanna talk about it anymore". Alisha deaded the discussion as it started to sadden her more than Monica could ever understand.

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