Love steelier

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I got through my day wanting to be the best I could.

Today I wanted to go to the mall & I spotted this lovely lady

I got up to her & said "May I ask you a question?

You can say no if you want to"

My parents always ask for consent in every situation

"Yeah sure go for it," the lovely said

"If this was the last day you ever had to be with the ones you love

Would you like to be with them or would you want to be alone?"

It took her a while to answer, but she did

"Well it depends on the person I'm thinking about at that moment, but in the end, I would be with the people I love

Could I ask you a question miss" the lovely lady said

"Well course I asked you one" I had a small smile on my face

"Do you do this with every stranger you meet?" she said

That was a good question

"No miss I looked in your direction & wanted to take to you

So here I am asking you a question to hear your l talk

I know I'm strange

I get that a lot, but when I see a lovely person like yourself standing in front of me I want to know you better.

Sorry for my bluntness

I grew up to honest

It's gotten me in trouble before" I got so shy she smiled at how I rambled

"Well miss you are very sweet & thank you for your kindness to me

I just wish my boyfriend would be more like that"

I gave her a look of confusion before I spoke again

"Well Miss may I ask another & again you don't have to answer"

She smiled & nodded her head

"If your boyfriend is not as restful as I'm being right now

That is a red flag in my book

To get to my question why are you still with him if he is not nice" I try to not sound so heartbroken.

"Well that is a good question & my answer is no 1 has been better to me until just now," the lovely lady said

I smiled at her & stuck out my hand.

"Well then Hi I'm Bobby & if you like to we can be friends," I say with a smile on my face.

She was so happy that she shook my hand.

"Well Hi Bobby, my name is Samatha, but please call me Sam OK" Sam said which was so nice

"Is it just me or is my heart speeding up cause you Sam are 1 of a kind?" I say which makes her giggle

"Well yes & to prove to you I'm telling the truth I give you permission to touch my heart since you are all about consent," Sam said which warmed my heart knowing she caught on to that

I nodded my head & brought my hand to her heart which indeed was as fast as mine

"Wow you weren't kidding I'm happy we feel the same way" I give her a smile

that was until her boyfriend showed up looking angry

"Well sir I was telling Sam here something & she wanted me to know she was telling the truth

She gave me to connect to touch her heart & now you know" I say taking my hand back

"You allow her to touch you

A stranger no doubt" he said in an angry tone

Red flags I see already

"She is no stranger

Her name is Bobby & she is my friend" Sam says taking my hand

"Bobby for a girl

What parent would call their daughter a boy name" he said chuckling

"I think Bobby is a lovely name for anyone

If I had a girl I would call her that" Sam said defending my name

"Well if you do have any kids none of them would ever be worth anything," he said to which I stood in at this point since I couldn't let him do that to Sam

"Sir if you wish still be in a relationship with Sam after today I would refrain from any other comments like that 1 again

If you love her you should respect her wishes in all things do I make myself clear" I say holding my ground in front of Sam

Sam is supervised by this

I think no 1 has ever done this for her before

That will change from this point on

"Who are you to say that type of shit to me bitch

You can't make me do anything I wish to do so move the fuck alone" he said trying to grab Sam by the arm, but I move his arm away.

"Sam do you wish to go with your boyfriend right now" I say making sure she wants to go"

"My EX-boyfriend can move on now cause he just confessed to me he doesn't want kids with me," Sam says which shocks both of us.

"When did I say I don't want kids with you?"

Wow even I remember what he said

Damn more red flags

"You said & I quote 'If you do have any kids none of them would ever be worth anything'

Your words sir" I say staying in front of Sam and making sure she won't get hurt

"Fuck you

Both of you

Sam if you want me you know where I am" he said while leaving the area

I turn back around to see tears in her eyes

"Do you want a hug"

"Yes that would be nice," Sam says which I give her

When I break away I wipe the tears from her eye

"Sam never cries for what has been showing red flags this whole time

I'm just happy I was here to help you out" I say holding her hand now

She looks at me & finally smiles

"You know what thank you

I think I needed someone to tell me about his way

To make to see what an ass hole he is

Thank you Bobby" Sam hugs me & before she pulls away she kisses me on the cheek

That day was the start of the best platonic friendship I've ever had.

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