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"For nearly 100 years now every year, we sent out a recommendation to 200 candidates for our academy. When they come here they are tested on the highest level of wits & strength mentally & physically. We test them to see if they are willing to make it through the unthinkable. We strive to keep our loved 1s safe from everything that would come to harm them. They're fighting to help us all to better know the unknown"

UNAcademy director Amber Johnson

[the unknown- the energy that floats through the air that shows itself as a black shadow]

Bugs proves

My name is Bugs. I used to live in Antarctica where my mother & father doctors Neptune& Judith Hecker lived half their lives in search of the unknown.

The UNAcandemy saw me out at 10 years old & asked for my parent's permission to send me there. Of course, they said yes. After that day I never saw them again.

Once I arrived, so many questions were given to me. Mostly about my parents. I was in question for a day before I was put into a group called the Red Giants.

Turns out the academy made 20 groups made up of certain tenets & over time creativity. The Red Giants became my new family real quick. I soon learned I was the 1st ever youngest candidate for the recruitment list ever. I became a legend as the 1st kid to be in. Everyone here is above 18 years of age.

My training was brutal but necessary for what they had me do next. About a week into my training my adaptive skills picked up on how to withstand the unthinkable.

Oh, I forgot to mention, since I lived in the coldest area in the world, the academy is like an oven source for me which sucked for me during sleep. I built this contraption that I sleep in during the night so that it would only cool me down & wouldn't bother anyone else that was in the room. Each team has 4 rooms that have 4 beds in them. If lucky you can get to have personal items there.

As my training progressed very well the leaders of the groups gave us tasks to do so we could advance our status in ranks. Every team is put on this skill called the achiever which determines which is doing better than the others. The more you do well, the better your team gets as well to be higher up on the achiever. The red dragons when I arrived were number 15 out of 20, but now it is 10 out of 20. It has only been a month & we are getting famous.

[5 years later]

Orce prov

I've been the leader of Red Giant for nearly 8 years now after the previous 1 graduated. I have 1 more year left before I'm gone doing what I've been training for. After Bugs joined our group our team has blossomed so much & made me wonder why they gave us her & not the already famous teams. Soon our team grew more members which I didn't complain about until I learned the truth.

Bugs are the bloodline to the original 10 who made the UNAcademy & will 1 day join the racks of the famous leaders of the unknown voyage that many have walked, yet some come back to tell about the trip to help us improve our way of understanding. What I didn't know was that Bugs' parents had another child without telling Bugs about it.

No 1 prov

The red giants have been upping their game when it came to training & wanted to go on longer missions. The conceals agreed to this & for 5 whole months, the team was in the deep jungle where the unknown was at its strongest strength. What they saw in there shocked all their minds.

Bugs got hit with a way of shadows & soon showed the rest of the team what happened after the shock. Orce was able to see the unknown in its true form which made the captain pass out from shock. Apollo, another member of the Red Giants can see into the future & unfortunately is not able to tell anyone about what he sees, or else the unknown will kill him for it. Gobby, another member of the Red Giants was unable to speak anymore but was able to telepathically talk which gave side effects to anyone besides the Red Giant a massive headache.

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