Chapter 1: Expelled?

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(Since you want this to be a fanfic, then i hope you could enjoy this! )

(By the way do you still remember that old pv?)

3rd Pov

(Class poll exam)

In the Class-D room, the students were anxiously waiting for their homeroom teacher to comeback and announced the results of the exam.

Most of them were whispering and from time to time they were glancing to the brown-haired boy who was currently staring at the windows unaware or ignoring the stares he got.

The day before the exam happened 33 students from class-D received an anonymous message that they will receive a total of 100,000 private points each if they voted for Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and the sender would also add 200,000 private points if he will be expelled.

This made the others shocked and curious about the identity of this person, the sender is willing to send them a vast amount of private points just to expel one of their classmates.

Being a Class-D student also means having a small amount of points with them.

At first they were planning to ask their class leader Horikita Suzune, however the deal also states not to leak any information to anyone about this or the deal would be void.

They thought that they could not miss out this opportunity and added by the persuasion of Class-D Madonna 'Kushida Kikyo' using the excuse of wanting to save one of her classmates. She persuade them to vote him in an indirect way.

They decided to hide this information to those person who were close to Ayanokoji and their leader Horikita and to Hirata.

Ayanokoji wasn't really significant to the class,he was considered a gloomy and a loner, he was just a person who was good at his feet, why would someone need to expel him?

They all thought that 'its just Ayanokoji, what could go wrong?'

The Ayanokoji group were not aware of the anonymous message that spread among the class, they just hope that none from their group will be expelled, they all put their censor votes to Yamauchi as per instructions of Horikita.

Then the brown haired boy suddenly ask his seatmate.

"Horikita, what would you do if someone offered you 300,000 points in exchange of expelling your classmate?" Ayanokoji said a bit louder than usual when he was speaking with Horikita.

This caused the others to be stiff and wide eyed from his statement. Specially when he ask 300,000 points in exchange of expelling a classmate.

Those who received the messaged have the same questions on their head.

'Did someone leaked the message?'

Hirata who was looking down suddenly turned to Ayanokoji when he heard about this.
He wasn't feeling good about this exam since one of his classmates are forced to be expelled from the school and he decided to vote out himself.

" What do you mean about that Ayanokoji?" Horikita asked him confused on why he asked this question. She was unaware of the messages that spread in the class.

Ayanokoji group was confused on why would their friend ask such a question.

Koenji could be seen smirking when he heard this since he was also one of the persons who received this.

They were all staring at Ayanokoji, anxiously waiting for him to speak.

Eventhough he revealed it to Horikita, it was too late to change anything, the votes were already tallied and by any minute Chabashira sensei will enter the room and announced the results.

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