Chapter 3: Kiyo's Homecoming

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"But i'm a teacher you know?"


Ichinose wasn't listening when Hoshinomiya-sensei was announcing something to the class, she was lookind down at that time and her teacher's words just goes in one ear and out the other.

She was so excited in meeting Ayanokoji again, then she leaned back for a bit and observe him she just realize the uniform he was wearing wasn't the uniform of students in ANHS, but rather he was wearing a three piece brown suit, his hair style was also different from his usual.

It was like she was looking at a grown up version of Ayanokoji Kiyotaka that she once dreamed of getting married to.

Then she realized something.

'Wait a minute, Kiyotaka-kun is now a teacher and i'm a.....student and i ended up kissing him infront of my classmates and my homeroom teacher.' as she finish her thoughts she remembered her actions earlier where she ended up hugging him, her actions could still be count as something where it was acceptable, she just did it since she misses her friend eventhough he was already a teacher.

However she went further by kissing him, she even did it where her classmates and her teacher saw her, even the cameras placed in the room captured that moment without fail.

She could only mentally facepalmed from what she have done, she unconsciously hug him when she saw his face infront of the room.

'K-Kiyotaka-kun won't punish me or expel me for this right?' she thought and she quickly backs away from him when she realized she was still hugging him.

"S-sorry Kiyotaka-kun! Ahh! Ayanokoji s-sensei!" she said as she quickly gave him a bow.

"You can just call me Kiyotaka-sensei or just sensei, Honami. " he said.

He didn't like the idea of being called the same with his father.

She blushed when he called her first name she was still getting used to him calling her by it. Then she remembered that she might be expelled due to her actions.

"K-Kiyotaka s-sensei you won't expel me for this right?" she asked as she raised her head.


"right?" she ask him again as she was starting to panic since Ayanokoji didn't respond to her.

This caused panic to Class-B, if Ayanokoji decided to report this incident and took the recordings from the cameras, Ichinose would really be put on a tight spot.

Kanzaki paled at the thought of Ichinose getting expelled and when he was about to stand up and try to defend their leader Ayanokoji interrupted him.

"Of course not, how could i treat someone like that, specially a friend of mine." he said as he patted her head making her blush from his touch, she was oblivious about these things but Ayanokoji's hands made her really feel comfortable.

He wouldn't get anything from expelling Ichinose, he might even used her on one of his plans for his former classmates during special exams since he couldn't intervene as a student teacher by direct means.

Sighs of relief was heard throughout the whole room. Kanzaki's face returned its color as he sighed with relief.

"Of course MY Kiyo-kun wouldn't do something like that" Chie said as she latch onto his arms and forcing to lock their fingers together in the process, making Ichinose jealous.

"s-sensei what do you mean by 'My' K-Kiyo-kun?!" Ichinose asked as she looks at their hands that Ayanokoji struggled from pulling his hands away.

" Were both teachers!, that means i could now take Kiyo-kun for my own! Hehe" Chie giggled as she pulled the poor boy who was about to be freed from her grasp but he got captured again.

Cote: That time i got expelled and becomes a SenseiWhere stories live. Discover now