Chapter 6: And Then It Began.

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"Cheers to Kiyotaka-sensei!"

Chie shouted raising her glasses near him with a blush on her face as she was already drunk,

Chie looks at him with a pleading look as she was waiting for him to clink glasses with her.

Ayanokoji could only sighed as this was his 20th time clinking glasses with her mimicking her action and raised his glass too.

"......Cheers" Ayanokoji said unenthusiastically for the 20th time where he clink glasses with Chie.

Chie drank her beer in one go while Ayanokoji just took a sip of his fancy iced tea, he was still a minor after all, even though they lied to the bouncer about his age so they could all go inside since Chie insists that a welcome party is not complete without a glass of alcohol.

Using his I.D that he was a student teacher in Advance Nurturing Highschool which was prepared by Tsukihiro, the bouncer lets them in after seeing it, even though he was suspicious since he looks so young to be a student teacher, but the ID that was presented to him was legitimate.

"Stop...teaching..hic... him that Chie, Ayanokoji is still... hic.. a.... minor" Sae said feeling groggy beside him with a blush on her face due to drinking and later on, her head falls into his shoulders and then she passed out.

Why did i even join these two?, Ayanokoji thought as he sigh in defeat, it was already nighttime and he had two drunk women to take care of, one was passed out and one was raring to go for another round.

Is this the life of being an adult?

The hardest part in this situation is that, they are outside the school premises and they were currently in a bar in Tokyo.

Fortunately the bar was classy, since if this was an ordinary bar, men might have already pounced to these two women and try to flirt with them.

Ayanokoji noticed that when he went outside, many would glance at their direction especially men and some went to talk with them but due to Sae's cold gaze, most of them backs out, instead some patrons were just giving their table a glance, the bar was known for its safety and security, the time they offend someone is the day they would be banned from the establishment.

"Kiyotaka-kun (hic) , Cheers to Class-D's fall! "

Ignoring the drunk woman's toast for him the 21st time, A question suddenly pops into his mind.

"How do you grab a taxi again?"


The night before it happens.

A person left Ayanokoji's room after his instructions was given to her, she left after hearing it, it was an odd request but since it was a request from him she would do it.

She was also willing to do so, since it would only benefit her and it was quite easy, she also got something from the deal.

Ayanokoji sighed after his guest leave, he went to the bed that was now lingering the scent of his guest from before, and rest his body for a bit, his bed that he was using currently was much more comfortable compared to when he was still a student, it was also much more spacious that even 3 person could fit in.

"Perks of being a teacher in a prestigious school i guess" he muttered as he started to close his eyes.

Tomorrow, his revenge will finally start.

The first unlucky fellow will taste his revenge.

"I wonder, is revenge really sweet?"

Cote: That time i got expelled and becomes a SenseiWhere stories live. Discover now