Chapter 5: Class-D /Class-A

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"So...i apologize for making you wait"

I don't have any excuse.

I read mostly all of your comments and i'm really happy to know that most of you requested for an update.


The event selection exam was near yet the Class-C didn't have any plans nor any meetings happened. Since no one initiated any of it, there was only Kushida who was trying to lead the class now.

"Everyone do you have any suggestions on what event we should do?" Kushida asked anyone in the room.

Although there were some who suggested an event, they lack people who would participate, one example of it was a football event, Hirata Yosuke who was known to be someone who joined the club, attended the meeting but he was just listening to the discussion, unlike before when he was willing to lead the class.

He didn't voice any agreement or any disagreement.

Hirata was already informed about Ayanokoji's situation, however that doesn't meant he already forgave them, once could be done twice.

Kushida looks around the room for people who could help, and then it lands on a black haired girl who was quietly reading a book.

"Eto...Horikita-san do you have any... suggestions?" Kushida asked the girl who was reading a book from the back.

The others started to glance at her slowly, Horikita who was the reason for their victories in various special exams and the leader of the current Class-C was not in an active role since Ayanokoji Kiyotaka got expelled.

Normally she would come forward at the front where everyone could see her whenever a special exam happens, however despite the special exam happening soon, Horikita didn't move, she didn't made any announcement, she didn't propose any meetings, she was just at the back... reading.

Horikita put down her book for a moment as she responds and stare at her coldly.

"Do you even need my suggestion?, isn't this what you wanted all this time Kushida-san?" Horikita glared at Kushida then look at the rest of the class.

"All of you wanted this to happen, you wanted to reach to Class-A but when someone offered you points to betray the class you didn't even hesitate and become a traitor '

" W-What do you mean about that Horikita-san?,....wanting attention, i just wanted to we can prevent something just like what happened to...A-Aya-" Kushida looks at her with a sad and uncomfortable expression, making the others to pity her, however Horikita interrupted her before she could gather any pity.


"You want to gather all of the attention right?, then i'll gladly hand over the position of being the class leader to you, gather the attention of the class while you rack up your brain in coming up strategies and techniques in every special exams you will encounter in the future, while doing that, deal with their complaints at the same time, i guess you would need the help of Ryueen-kun again right? , pray and hope that your facade won't break in the middle of it."

Horikita started to pack up her bag, since she was disturbed from her reading, the class was confused why did Horikita mentioned of Kushida trying to contact the tyrant leader of Class-D for help.

It was just a ridiculous tandem, the angel of their class with the tyrant leader of the current Class-D, they thought that Horikita was just saying this since she lost a classmate, although that person already becomes a student teacher.

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