Chapter Eight

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"You're favorite girl is back~" I said in a singy song voice as I walked into the Phantoms temporary base. "Ah! Kami I missed you!" Machi said knocking me into the ground. "Woah Mach remember I'm smaller than you but I've missed your presence as well" I said patting her back

There was a different amount of greetings from everyone until I got to the big man himself. "Chrollo." I said in my normal monotone voice. "Hello Darling" the deep sultry voice of Chrollo said making me internally grin emphasis on internally

He motioned me to come over to him while the others went back to what they were doing. Wrapping his arms around my waist while I stood in front of him he pulled me down on his lap.

"Awe did you miss me Chro~" I cooed at male who's lips slightly twitched upwards. "I have..." he whispered in my ear so the others couldn't hear. It made me slightly giggle as I felt a pair of eyes on me.

Looking over at the window I saw the clown causing me to scrunch my nose in disgust. "Why hello little Dove~" he cooed I gave him a dirty look while Chrollo shot him a warning look which he dismissed

"No." I said as the others also shot him a warning look which is understandable seeing as though I am- you know what never mind. "Where's Kalluto?" Uvo asked as I looked around confused.

"He was right behind me...Kallu!" I called out for the younger boy who popped his head through the door. "Yes Miko?" I tilted my head to the side as he walked over. "Where were you?" I asked confusedly since we've been here for a while now.

"Hm? Oh. Right. Shadow is here." he said making me furrow my eyebrows. "Why? He should be at home" I said as he shrugged his shoulders and called him in. So basically Shadow is my own personal snake he's black and the length of my entire arm and he wraps all the way up around neck.

"I don't know when I was walking in I saw him hanging on a pole outside so I stayed with him for a while" he responded while I nodded my head in return. "Can you bring him in?" I sighed as he nodded and left out.

"You seem stressed..." Chrollos voice trailed off as my lips slightly twitched upwards but dropped when he pointed it out "was that a smile I saw?" he asked amused. "No." I said with a blank face while trying to stand up with no use

"I'm pretty sure it was" he teased I squinted my eyes and scrunched up my nose. "No it wasn't." I said "I don't smile." I continued. "Oh?~" the perverted clown said as I side eyed him.

"You, I just want to tell you one thing, if you even think about touching my little brother or his friends I'll kill you." I said looking directly at him. This creep moaned and licked his lips which isn't even surprising.

"You know what fuck it" I put my thumb and index finger up in a shooting motion. "Bang" I said as my nen bullet went flying straight through his stomach. Thankfully I don't have to see his reaction since it's infused with venom from a sleeping plant.

His body fell back onto the windowsill but he still had the creepy smirk on his face. "Is he dead?" Machi asked I gave the clown a disgusted look before responding

"Sadly not, it's just a sleeping poison from a plant I found a while ago" I sighed dramatically while they laughed. I felt something crawling up my leg causing me to look and see my child. I brought my arm out as it wrapped around me head resting on the palm of my hand.

"Well hello there Shadow" I pet the top of his head while the others began to discuss other matters which did not concern me because technically I'm what we call a floating member I don't have a specific number so I'm just there when or if they need me

"You should listen in for this one Miko I'm sure you'd love it" Uvo said causing me to tilt my head like a confused puppy. "There's a smaller gang who has a pair of the scarlet eyes and the golden irises the scarlet eyes are from the Kurta clan that the Scorpions that cleared out years ago I don't want the scarlet eyes since you know a survivor who wants to get the eyes back but I do want the golden irises she with that being said in a week we'll be going for them an-"

I cut Chrollo off with my hand covering his mouth. I put my finger on my lip in a shushing motion before slowly getting up. I could be crazy but I highly doubt it, I definitely heard someone out there. Placing my arm on the ground I released Shadow.

"Go ahead Shadow" I said as he was gone as fast as lightening. Jumping through a broken window I saw someone in all black crouched down on a light pole. As quick as possible I made myself invisible while slowly making my way to the person.

As if they could sense me behind them they suddenly took off causing me to chase after them with no sweat. "You never catch me Saitō!" they yelled it sounded like a man. I created a dagger I threw it at his neck hitting one of his pressure points causing him pass out.

"Good boy Shadow" I pet the snake before dragging the unconscious guy out with a chain I had created and going back to the hideout. "Who is that?" Chrollo asked while I shrugged in return

"Well it seems he's been spying by he has to die either way now because he knows who I am" I said while calling Paku over. "Do your thing bae" I say after hanging the guy from a ceiling beam. Paku uses her nen ability to see his mind for obvious reasons.

"Come with me Miko" I grabbed Fei's hand as he pulled me away to his torture room. "You're not going to try and torture me right? Because like, you know I'm a masochist right?" I remind him as he looks down at me shaking his head and sighing

"Trust me I know you are but no" he said before walking to a door and dragging a body bag out. I eyed him and the bag suspiciously with confusion. "Who's in the bag?" I asked he sent me a smirk which was sexy as fuck by the way before unzipping they bag

"Hm? Oh isn't that the dude who's the leader of that trafficking ring that only takes kids between the Age's of 5-12?" I asked looking at the body with disgust. 'Huh he's alive still?' I thought still eyeing the body

"Yes. You have the honor of letting off some steam and torturing him" he replied making my eyes twinkle in amusement. I haven't tortured anyone since the final phase in the exam. Every other kill was quick and of course painful.

"Oh? Well looks like me and you are going to have a lot of fun huh?" I said getting Shadow ready with a sadistic grin on my face. Feitan left out of the room leaving me alone with the scum bag.

"Ohoho me and you are going to have some fun before you meet all my past victims" and with that I placed Shadow on the ground while he bit him releasing his venom while I on the other hand conjured up the weapons is be using. I'll have to thank Fei for this later.

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