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"Chapter seven"


"Maybe they're drawn to smell."

Nari listens to the others about their theories about zombies. Although the others were distrustful of Dae-su's commentary, Nari could see the logic in what he said. It was hidden, but it was on there.

"I think they're more sensitive to sound than smell."

That made Nari think. If they make total silence when they passed by some zombie, maybe they would have a chance. Nari banishes her thought immediately. It was hard to keep quiet in a life-and-death situation. Now they had a bigger problem, namely – the fact that Gyeong-su is a very stubborn idiot. Although Nari told everyone that she saw how Su-hyeok hit him with the mop in the nose and that there was no chance of him becoming a zombie, Gyeong-su still decided to stay away from the others for an hour.

Nari turned her gaze to Na-yeon who was staying away from her other classmates. Nari even tried to understand her. She could understand that she was just thinking about herself and that she wanted to live. In the situation in which they find themselves, it is normal to think first of all about your own life. But her hatred for Gyeong-su has reached a whole new level. It was one thing to offend him – although that was totally wrong too –, but now it was as if she wanted the boy to become a zombie just so she could be right.

Su-hyeok notices how Nari looks at Na-yeon as if she could make her evaporate. He leaned over to whisper to the girl, "You know, if you keep staring at her, she's not going to spontaneously combust."

Nari turned her attention to Su-hyeok, trying to ignore how close they were to each other, and shrugged, "It's worth a try."

The boy just smiled, Nari remaining staring at his face. Although he was dirty with blood and clearly tired, Lee Su-hyeok was still beautiful in the girl's eyes. Nari always admired the boy's beauty - not that she would ever tell him - . She knew that other people admired him, both girls and boys. Even On-jo. As soon as she remembered On-jo, Nari quickly looked in her direction only to find out that On-jo was looking at her. Caught up in the act, On-jo quickly turned her gaze out the window.

Nari swears at herself mentally. She remembered clearly how On-jo told her and I-sak in the cafeteria that she confessed to Su-hyeok that she liked him. The girl drew her voice and walked closer to Wu-jin, noticing Su-hyeok's confused gaze.

The brown-haired girl watched as her brother stood in front of the door where Gyeong-su was. She walked towards him, waving her hand towards Gyeong-su when she saw him. The boy reciprocates his gesture, then shows Cheong-san his middle finger, causing the two siblings to laugh.

Cheong-san turned to their teacher, "Ms. Park. It's been more than 30 minutes, but Gyeong-su won't come out."

"Okay. I'll bring him out."

All the classmates gathered in front of the window to look at Gyeong-su. "Why is he being so stubborn?"

Ryung also commented, "We know what Gyeong-su is like."

Nari had almost forgotten about him. She looked over her shoulder to notice that her friend was sitting in the back next to Nam-ra. It was a little cute that Nam-ra felt comfortable allowing Ryung to sit next to her. She knew Nam-ra wasn't the most sociable person -- not that Nari was, she only talked to her few friends -- and the only people she talked to were Ryung, Nari, and sometimes, Su-hyeok. But usually when Nari was late, she would see Nam-ra and Ryung talking to each other in the classroom. Of course, Nari suspected for some time that Ryung liked the black-haired girl and usually played the role of Cupid: she would have Ryung bring Nam-ra a box of strawberry milk, or she pretended to rush home to let the two of them go together. It was also fun to see Nam-ra blush and Ryung seemed to lose his ability to talk to girls. Nari should be paid. She wasn't just doing this for Ryung and Nam-ra, but also for her brother and On-jo. Why only did she not have someone of her own?

Su-hyeok noticed that the girl was lost in her thoughts and couldn't help but smile as she frowned. He put a hand on her shoulder, Nari turning her gaze directly towards him. Su-hyeok was trying not to get lost in her eyes so brown and he lowered his voice that only she could hear, "Are you okay?"

The girl nodded, giving him a smile and before she could respond, Ryung's voice was heard.

Ryung groaned, putting his head in his hands, "This idiot is so stubborn."

Nari gave him an elbow in his ribs, saying sarcastically, "As if you're not the same."

Ryung rolled his eyes, giving her one in the ribs the same, causing the girl to laugh. Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching them quite closely at the moment. Nam-ra knew the two were just friends, but she couldn't help but wonder for herself if that was totally true. She knew it wasn't the place, nor the right time to think about it. She didn't know why she felt that way when she watched Ryung smile with Nari. Taking a look at Su-hyeok, Nam-ra knew she wasn't the only one who thought and felt the same way.

Ms. Park came out and announced what Nari was already anticipating: the fact that Gyeong-su would stay there for the whole hour. To be honest, Nari would do the same thing if she was falsely accused of becoming a zombie. She turned her attention to Ji-min who had begun arguing with Na-yeon. It was already normal for a conflict to occur unexpectedly. If she had been in another situation, Nari would have picked up her popcorn and watched the scene in front of her. But now she didn't really think Na-yeon would be able to apologize to Gyeong-su. It would be a miracle.Although she wanted to see Na-yeon struggle to apologize, Ryung pulled her by the arm at one of the tables. He looked around at the others, and Nari couldn't help but worry. Was he not feeling well? Was he injured?

Nari gave him a confused look, sitting on one of the chairs, "Has anything happened?"

Ryung took a hand to the nape of his neck, taking a look in Nam-ra's direction hoping she wasn't paying attention to him. Noticing that the girl didn't pay attention to him at all – he didn't know for sure if it bothered him or not – and he whispered to Nari. "I need to go to the bathroom."

He said it so quickly that Nari had to blink often to understand. Pause. The girl let the loudest laughter attracting the attention of others. She hid her face in her hands , still laughing and Ryung looked at her offended. "Sorry, but–", she tried to stop laughing, but the seriousness of her friend about how he said those words still amuses her. "God, I thought it was something more serious. You were so serious."

Ryung looked at her indignantly, "It's something serious." He said it as if it should be obvious.

"And what would you like me to do? You know we can't go to the bathroom, unless you want to fight an army of zombies," Nari said sarcastically.

Despite knowing that Nari was laughing at his expense, Ryung smirked, "We could be amazing warriors."

Nari scoffed, but Ryung was still complaining that he wanted to go to the bathroom. "Excuse me for not being able to build you a bathroom here."

The two friends were interrupted by Gyeong-su who had left the room behind Na-yeon. Nari quickly rise to her feet alarmed. She couldn't believe she had missed the moment when Na-yeon apologized to Gyeong-su.


Wow, it's been a while since I've posted another chapter and I'm sorry. I don't really like this chapter, I'll try to post another one these days.

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