Still got moves

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I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling thinking of I should go to school today. It's Wednesday.... we don't really learning anything on Wednesday's. The teacher are crap as well as the students, buuut I need those participant points. At the same time though my grades are up so I don't need to worry, right? I can just spend the day with abuela and hang out with her. As I get up from my bed I trip over a bag and catch myself, "Ow" I groan and look down at the bag. Oh its the mystery bag I still haven't opened it yet. Not because I don't want to but because I never seem to have the time to. I reach for the bag and see that there's a note inside is said:

'The dress you claimed you didn't like and I'm sorry for the other day ago...'

I reach inside it again and grab the dress it was the beautiful green dress. I stand up and walk to my mirror and press the gown against my body. It's absolutely a beauty "Hon come down, breakfast is ready!" I hear abuela shout from downstairs. I carefully hang up the gown and go downstairs to eat.

"Niña why aren't you in your uniform, your gonna be late" "I'm not going to school today" I said as she passed me a plate of food. "Why not?" She asked, I got up from my seat went around the table and hugged her "because I want to hang out with my deer abuela" I try to cheer her and distract her from the question "Awww ok". I finished my breakfast was the dishes and go to sit on the couch with abuela. Wow I haven't done this in a while. Like actually sat down and hang out with abuela. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked "Well were running out of food so we can go grocery shopping first and some old friends of mine invited me to a little party." "You still got it lady" "You better know I do, no one can stop these hips" I laughed from here comment. I got dressed putting on some jeans and a plain shirt and I grabbed my wallet and purse. I also grabbed one of my camera's, put it around my neck and my phone and a water bottle on my way out. Once I opened the door Miko was already sitting on the porch "You just appear and dissappear when you want to huh?" Miko rubs her head on my leg and stretches. I pick her up and place her in my bag as well, "Aww the little cat decided to join us today" Abuela said looking at Miko's head poke out from the bag "Meow".

I called a cab it took 5 minutes for the car to arrive and only 7 minutes to drop us off at a local asian market. "Grab a cart for me mija", I do as I was told and got a cart and continued to walk with abuela. "What do we need first?" I question while picking up some chocolate "The party is kinda like a potluck so I'm thinking about making some onigiri and as a sweet some dorayaki." "Why not buy the dorayaki instead?" She turn to me "Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Does it look like I got that type of money?" and she squinted her eyes and cried in laughter. Oh yeah she don't know about my 'job' and the money I get. "Here" she handed me a paper that had the list of ingredients to make dorayaki "You get the stuff for the dorayaki and I'll get the rest, it will be faster like this." "Okay" and that's exactly what we did. I went through the list got the eggs, honey, mirin, mixing, baking soda and flour the last thing I needed was the tsubu-an. I asked a worker where the item will normally be and the lead me to the isle. I walk down and up the isle looking for the tsubu-an and didn't find it not until I looked up. Great.

It was on the top shelf. I try to reach and grab it. I get on my tippy toes, climb on stuff, but nothing. I try one more time by climbing on a shelf All most ther- I lost my footing, it was like everything went in slow motion till I got caught. I look up and it was a tall guy with a big scar that went across his left eye, all he had was a long jacket on with no shirt underneath. He let's me get back on my feet and grabs the tsubu-an for me "Thank you" I bow, as I come back up I notice a familiar tattoo on his chest. "That tattoo... are you associated with Bont-"
"Mikey sent me" the man cutted me off. "My names Kakucan I take part in watching over you and your grandmother time to time, but I was sent here for something else this time. Mikey wants to take you to the father and daughter dance thing or something." "I never mentioned that to him?" "Well he found out so your going." The paper... the boys never put the paper back in my bag. What a bunch of assholes "Do I get a say in th-" "No" "Great". I turn around about to go find abuela but then forgot to ask some "I don't think Mikey-" I turn around and the guy was gone "nevermind". "What took you so long?" "I had a hard time finding the tsubu-an don't blame me" I laughed. The check out lady finished up and our total was 29,913 yen. I look at abuela even Miko looked worried "Here you go" I give the lady my dept card Thank God I put money in the card. "Wait mija what are you-" "Thank you for shopping here come again" "doing?" Abuela finished her question. We walk out and abuela keep on looking at me then looking at the ground. "Is there something thing on your mind abuela?" I ask smirking internally "A matter of fact there is. H-how exactly did you pay for the food. I mean thank you and it means a lot because I was definitely not thinking about spending that much money today but you.... you paid for it like if it was nothing. " she rambled "Are you hiding something from me?" I was wondering when this question will come up. "No um.... I've just been having some money put to the side kinda just stacking up... within time but you know every family has secrets." We take a cab back home and start cooking.

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