Sano's Kid

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(3 years later)

"Wakey Wakey, it's Christmas!" Ran wakes me up and I groan and turn my back at him "Just because you're 17 years old, doesn't mean that you can't have the Christmas spirit" he said hitting me with a pillow "Get up. Everyone is down stairs" was what he said before he left my room. I yawn and slowly turn onto my back then sat up. I brush my teeth and do my hair quickly be heading down stairs.

When I got downstairs everyone was there on the couch, standing doing something or sitting on the floor near the Christmas tree. Ran and Rin were fighting over the last piece of pie, Sanzu was drinking some type of liquor, Hanma was fighting with draken seeing who can take the most hits, Mitsuya was in the kitchen making more breakfast, Kazutora was hold Miko in his arms while talking to Chifuyu, Takemichi was talking to some girl with pink-ish hair and finally there was some other people from the gang i suppose. "Morning sleeping beauty" I look to my left to see who said that "Kazane!" I run and hug him "Never in a million years would I have thought that I would spend a Christmas in the number one gang leaders house" he whispered to me and I laughed "Likewise" I replied. A hand slithered around my waist and I was pulled to someone else. "Morning beautiful" the voice said into the crook of my neck and I immediately knew who it was "Good morning Hondō" I smiled turn around to face him and kiss him on his cheek. I hugged him and while I was in his clasp, I see Mikey on the other side of the room staring at us. Oh God I rolled my eyes chuckling to myself. I take a step back "I think Mikey wants to talk to you" I tell Hondō "Yea, he's been staring him down all morning since we got here" Kazane said laughed, only to get a punch in the arm by Hondō. "Just go talk to him, I'm sure it's nothing" I confort him. After a few other words exchanged Hondō walked to Mikey. "He walks to Mikey like if he's on death row" I said "Because he is" Kazane chuckled. Not too long later Hondo joined us infront of the Christmas tree and sat down. "Well what did he say?" Kazane ask and Hondō shook his head "It was nothing, just getting to know eachother" he said putting on a fake smile. "Everyone! Everyone! It's time to open presents!" Sanzu shouted with a huge smile on his face.

If i was to estimate how many presents were under the tree, I'll say about 1,000. Everyone got at least one present which was good. Hondo got some nice hoddies and a Xbox, Kazane got some shoes and a 6 by 6 TV. Everyone got good stuff, but when I thought everyone finished opening their presents I got approached by Mikey. "This is for you" he said handing me a present it was really light, paper light almost. On the top it said 'from Mikey to y/n', if im honest I was scared to open it. My hands shook slightly as I open the present, but when i finished my eyes watered as I looked down at the present. "What is it?" Hondo asked worried "... Adoption papers" I mumbled, "I wanted to give you this a few years ago, but I didn't know if it was to early or you maybe didn't li-" I cut him off by hugging him tightly "Yes! Yes I want get adopted by you!" I said and hugged me back. Claps were heard all around us. "How emotional, I might just cry" Sanzu said sarcastically "Shut up!" Both me and Mikey shouted at him "Damn.. you really are a Sano, huh" Sanzu said and everyone laughed "I guess so.... I guess so" I smiled

"Hello I'm Y/n Sano. The past 4 year aren't seen as the typical teenage years. Most teenage girl are going shopping, get their nails and hair done. Not me though. Instead I'm next in line to taking over the biggest and strongest gang in Japan. I am side by side with my father Manjiro Sano also known as Mikey. My losses made me who I am, my losses taught me the lessons that I cherish dearly. But what can I say loving any of us is a death sentence isn't it?"

The End.

(Mikey POV: Special edition. This was the conversation Mikey had with Hondō)

"Now that you guys are getting older I wanna make something clear... she's MY daughter. You break her heart I will fuck you up" I say to him calmly trying to not attract attention "And I know what it's like to be with a girl alone... you guys have had plenty alone times so imma only ask you this once. Have yall fucked ye-" I was cut off by Hondō "NO!" He shouted and some people looked over to us. To not make everyone worry we smiled at them and everything returned to normal. "No... no we haven't" he answered "Let's keep it that way for a while... k" I gave him a threatening smiled and he nodded
"Good, now act like I didn't just threatened you because y/n is looking" I said patting his back and watched him join y/n. I hope I'm doing the right thing... "You are" I hear a whisper from behind me but no one was there.

Shinichiro? Emma?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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