Chapter One

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Inside the car, I took my time to analyze the details of our old house that was renovated a few weeks ago before we arrived from Germany. It was an average house back then but now, it looks elegant with class due to its welcoming aura and beautiful landscape.

"Margie, will you please help me carry out our suitcases?" I heard mom asked from the back of our car.

"Be right there." I replied as I went out to help her. The sun welcomed me as I shut the door closed. Luckily, there were trees that gave us shade from the heat of the sun.

"This was supposed to be your father's job but he vanished as soon as he went out of the car." She continued, releasing a sigh of disbelief.

"Do you have any idea where he is?" I asked while pulling out a royal blue suitcase which is mine.

"Well, I do have a hunch. He's in your childhood best friend's house to visit Adrianna's father." Mom replied before quickly pulling out a red suitcase that was bigger than mine.

"He's probably there by now." She continued while shutting the back door.

"Come on, the suitcase won't move itself."

I was dripping out of sweat when I finally reached the second floor while carrying my suitcase all the way up to my room.

"Why is my room even upstairs?" I exclaimed before dragging my suitcase lazily to my room. Geez, carrying this suitcase drained all of my energy.

I pushed the door open, making a squek sound. I stopped in awe.

"Whoa. It looks just like my room in Germany."

The room was huge and wider compared to my last bedroom but all the details and structure were all the same.

On the right side was a queen size bed with side tables placed both of its side while a study table with computer gadgets is neatly placed on the table next to the window not far from where the bed is.

Meanwhile, on the left side of the room lays two doors, the first one lead to a walk in closet while the other one was a bathroom. There's even a terrace. Look what money can buy you.

After I finished unpacking, I lay down on my bed as I felt my whole body gave up on its soft comfy sheets.

It was then when I realized that I was tired. Because the truth is, it's been a while since I had a good night sleep.

I was often busy and do a lot of extracurricular activities. My parents are strict and expect highly of me but I don't blame them though, I' am their only child and I understand that they only want what's best for me but sometimes it's tiring.

I attend different lessons every after school and weekends such as playing instrumental lessons, dance and ballerina lessons, vocal lessons, art's class, sculpturing, and even baking. Not only that but I also have a schedule for judo and taekwondo. Although I don't attend them all at the same time and week, there is a specific date on when I will attend that class like for the whole month or a week. Heck, their even planning on adding lessons for foreign languages.

Sometimes, I wondered what other teenagers like me are doing. Are they busy like me? Maybe but, they're probably having the time of their lives right now while I' m doing so much.

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