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"Oooh... Well at least you made it!"

I reassured my Uncle who complained about his trip here.

Sheba "At least you're in one piece, Tarshish."

"Hmm... Guess so."

"What about you two, how have you been doing?"

"We've been doing great!" Ate Havilah responded while lightly patting my head.

"Is that so? *sigh* If only I brought my daughter with me, you three would get along instantly..."

"... Daughter??" Me and Ate asked in unison. Since when did you have a daughter, Aunt Sheba?

"Mhm.. But she is only a toddler, and I can't take her to long trips."

We look at her, dumbfounded about what we just heard.

Tarshish " *clears throat* Anyway, what have you two been doing?"

" :D.... Uhmmmm" We looked at each other, whether we tell them or not.

Tarshish "Don't tell me... You two got out of the castle vicinity..."

We stayed silent, obviously guilty that we did explore the town earlier..."

"Heheheh..." I only let out a chuckle, since I don't want to admit it. But unfortunately, that only confirms what he said.

" You both know how unsafe it is out there. Most especially that some of the towns people thinks you are a war-"

Aunt Sheba lightly hit Uncle Tarshish, causing him to stop and realized what he was about to say. He apologized to me immediately. You see, ever since my existence became public, rumors about me being a baby warlock was already there. I never minded it, however, the rumor is slowly getting worse overtime...

"It's fine uncle."
Though, I'm always curious on why and how it started.




We are currently in a hidden part of the kingdom, fallen structures everywhere; moss covering almost every corner of it, there was only one standing pillar with a sun engraved on it, and a table on the middle; probably made out of Granite or Quartz. I've actually been here before, by accident. But now, I don't know why he took me here..

"Why are we here?"

"I will tell you, if you stay patient."

"Why, what are we waiting for-"

I was interrupted when the sun rays hit my face, blinding my vision for a moment. When I recovered my sight, I saw the pillar glow..? I turned to my father who was now holding something round and orange...or rather, I think it's orange.

"Do you know why it glows?" He looked at me, I shook my head, but he just chuckled.

"This happens when the sun is perfectly aligned with the pillar, creating a projection of a map."

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I look up at my father.

"What map?"

He smiled and looked away. I followed his gaze and he seems to be looking at the table which now have writings on it.

He lets his hand trace the writings of the... map...

"This map shows the lands that me, your uncle and your aunt were given to and ruled."

I was mesmerized at how wide it is. The geography of the islands makes it more unique too, I've... I've never seen anything like this before.

I was interrupted from my trance when I heard my father chuckle.

"What's funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that you looked so amazed at the map, I couldn't help but find it adorable!"

I flinched when he called me "adorable". I don't know why, but I dislike being called "cute" or anything related to that word. Handsome? Acceptable.

I playfully frowned at him, but he only laughed.

"It's not funny!"

"Oh yes it is!" He patted my head, ruffling my hair until it's looks like I just woke up.

"Really." I fixed my hair. What is with today that everyone keeps messing my hair?

"Oh, I forgot, I have something for you."

He gave me a pendant that looks like a sun with a red-orange stone surrounded with gold.

"I was mine, and now I want you to have it." My father put the pendant on me, I examined the precious piece on my hand, and I can simply say that it is very eye-catching. I like it.

"It's pretty! Thank you po!" I smiled, I really like it, it's shiny!
I continued to fiddle with it for sometime, before it's time for us to go back.

I might want to come back here tomorrow...

"Ate Ate Ateeeeee!" I shook her from behind which caught her by surprise.

"AAAaaahHHAAahHa WhaAaaAAAaTtttT?!!???" She grabbed both my arms, but I'm too excited to mind the pain.

"Look, look it glows! It glows!" I showed her the pendant that Ama gave me earlier, and since she's the closest person I saw walking here, I, the greatest sibling ever, decided to shower her with questions.

"What do you think happens?"

"I don't know."

"Does it do anything?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think it tell us something?"

"I don't know."

"How did Ama got this?"

"I... Don't... Know."

'How are you so patient?'
I thought, I wish I have that kind of patience. where can I get that?

I looked back at pendant and noticed that it stops glowing. Aww... But it was so enchanting, it's like a sunset in a stone.

"Hey we'll worry about it later, for now, want to come with me?"


"To the army! Let's see how they do."

She dragged me out of the castle, I tried to walk properly but she's fast... and tall.



Sounds of clashing swords echoes on the field, It hurts my ears.

"... How are you even enjoying this??" I asked, not taking my eyes off the people training on the field.

"Oh come on, you'll get used to it once you sit on the throne- Hey you! Focus!"

I glanced at her when she said "the throne".

"I don't think I'm ready for all of that..." I mumbled, hugging both of my knees and burying half of my face on my arms.

She pulled me in a hug, and starts rubbing my back.

"You'll do just fine.."

I sighed. My eyes looking around the field until I spotted a couple of soldiers who are, without a doubt, talking about me. I just turned my head on the other side, not wanting to see them judge me from afar.

I began to feel drowsy, and before I realized it, I fell asleep in my sister's arms.


"Yes... Enjoy your life while it lasts..."

The unknown person cackled silently while watching the two vulnerable Royals having a cute sibling moment.

"It's a pity..." They smirked evilly, while their eyes hovered over at the sleeping Prince.

"It's a pity that you must die."

"Your Leadership?"

The person slightly turned their head to the side, grinning widely at what their lowly servant had said.

"Everything is ready."

'At last. Years upon years of planning and deceiving will come to this moment.'

"Good... Good."

'Soon, your lovely yet hated Prince will no longer be any trouble anymore.'

They thought as they turned their heel around and walked away.

"Tell them to prepare, we will strike soon."

And that was the last thing they said before disappearing into the shadows of the forest.

THE LOST CHRONICLES : HIS ORIGINSWhere stories live. Discover now