Chapter Two:

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Summer Hale

Mr. Samuel was the substitute for our Math and Biology teacher and math is my current subject. So now everyone has their eyes on him, waiting for him to introduce himself. "Good morning class." Even though he greeted all of us, his eyes were fixated on me. He had a welcoming smile that formed on his lips, it was the same as his smile awhile ago.

"I'm Samuel Schlankwald." He ended the staring contest between us and his gaze roamed around, looking at each and everyone of thr students. "I will be substituting for your Biology and Mathematics teacher, Mr. Logan. If you want to know more about me or have any questions at all you are all welcome to ask away."

A student immediately raised her hands. "Are you from Germany?" She asked when Mr. Schlankwald... nodded at her. "I am. Though I also have english blood running through my veins. My mom's British and my dad's German."

Another student, Nicole, fanned herself. "That explains the lovely accent you have Mr. Samuel"

"Why thank you love." After he said that every girl in the class swooned. (I admit I kinda did too.)

Another student raised his hands. "You married? Or...In a relationship?"

A smirk started to form on Mr. Samuel's lips and he turned to me... at least I think he's looking at me. "No.... Not yet that is. Maybe soon."

Something about his voice made me terrified and the smirk he had made me uneasy. He then turned to all of us. "Children, please ask questions that are relevant to my job. I don't think learning about my personal life will get you a good result in class."

My heart was beating fast.

The students began asking questions relating to school, the subject he was teaching, and everything related to math and bio. But I was hardly paying attention because every now and then he would glance my way and a devious, malicious smirk would be formed on his lips.

Soon his class ended and I gathered all my things fast and rushed out of the room. I couldn't stand the feeling I had in there. Like I was being trapped and there was really no hope in a way out.

I looked forward to the classes I had with Silver. I wanted to tell him about Mr. Samuel but when I arrived at our class he wasn't there, which was unusual because Silver was almost always the first one to be there. I shrugged it off and waited in my usual seat.

I kept waiting and soon the teacher came in and the students piled in one by one. I waited for Silver to walk in but he didn't. Mrs. Leanne closed the door and started talking about what she would teach us. I payed attention but I couldn't help keep glancing at the door.

The door opened and Silver came in apologizing to the teacher. Ms. Leanne easily let him off the hook since it was the first time Silver came late to class. He sat in his seat, which was beside me. I asked him why he was late but he shrugged me off and looked at the board in front of him. I knew Silver wasn't really paying attention, he was spacing out like he was in deep thought. I decided not to bother him and just tell him later.

The class ended and I slung my back pack on my back. I noticed Silver wasn't moving at all. He was still staring blankly at the board so I tapped his shoulder and told him class has ended. He snapped out of his trance-like state and got out of his seat. "Uh... I- I have to go somewhere Summer.." Silver grabbed his bag. "Oh... Okay then.." I gave him a small smile. He pulled me into a quick hug. "S-See ya." He ran and got outside the room in a flash. I sighed. "Looks like I'll be walking home alone again.." I grabbed my stuff and got outside too.

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