Chapter Six:

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The pictures are made by jayjay_terror. Thank you :) so much.


Jeff Woods

"Who's that?" I asked after Masky threw a photograph on the table. I removed my feet from the table and picked it up to examine it. "Damn Timmy. She's hot."

Even though Masky had a mask on I could sense that he just rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that."

I ignored him and continued to look at the photograph. "What do you want me to do with this? Fap to it? Or..."

He immediately grabbed the picture. "Geez Jeff! You're disgusting. I want you to help me get her." He placed the photograph in the pockets inside his jacket. "I thought you were the ladies man Masky-boy?"

"Shut the f**k up right now Jeff." He sighs then composes himself. "Look... This was Silver's mission. Apparently he wanted her and asked Silver to look out for her for awhile ever since she was 7 and now that she's turning 18 he wants her back. But Silver's not following orders."

"Has Silver somehow grown attached to her?" I raised a brow. "I think.... Yeah. Definitely. Why else wouldn't he hand her over."

"And now..?" I furrowed my brows at him as I leaned back on the sofa and put my feet back up on the table. "I want you to get the girl Jeff."

"And why me? What's in it for me?"

Masky leaned forward. "Help me get the girl and you'll get half of what he'll give me. You know what kind of useful sh*t he gives me. Like that rad poison blade you wanted."

"Would I get one if I helped you?" I asked. "Yes Jeff." He groans. "Okay. As long as I gain something from it and have fun. I'm in then."


"F**cking! Quit stepping on my shoes!" Masky growled in a hushed tone.

"Geez! Sorry!" I moved a few inches away from Masky. Masky and I were behind the bushes spying on Silver and the chick he was with. They were just talking but I couldn't hear what it was about. "They're on the move let's go!"

Silver and the girl stood up from the wooden bench and started walking down the street.

"Let's go. It's important that he doesn't tell her about him. He doesn't want her to know anything yet."

"Why are you being so cryptic about his name man... Just say Sle-" Masky covered my mouth before I could even.

"Shush Jeff. Suspense bro."

We stealthily followed them. I knew that Silver sensed us following him. He was going in circles, careful into not leading us into where they were staying. They stopped for a bit and I saw Silver slightly looking back. So we jumped to the nearest spot where we could hide. Which was a bush.

"Masky let's just get this over and ambush them! I'm tired of beating around the bushes..." Masky snapped his head towards me. "I swear Jeff...." Masky stopped talking and looked back at them. "Let's go!"

Tim Wright

Summer and Silver stopped on a dark alley way. I grinned. What're you planning on Silver? Do you have some brilliant plan with you? Or are you just that stupid to get you and the girl cornered?

I was being cautious so I asked Jeff to go up the roof incase Silver got something prepared while I approach them.

"Roger!" He yelled dashing towards the building, careful for Silver and the girl not to notice. I watched Jeff climbed up the building so swiftly. I rolled my eyes. He was showing off.

I cautiously approached to where they where, my hand inside my hoodie pockets, gripping my knife.

'They're not here... They're gone.' Was my first thought. But then I noticed a figure in the shadows leaning against the wall. "Hey Masky... Noticed you were following me." Silver slowly came into view. His eyes gleamed when the light was reflected in his glassy eyes, full of anger.

"Silver. You're defying orders. Surrender the girl or face the consequences." I said sternly.

"Girl? What girl? She's not here." He tried to play dumb.

I shook my head. "Don't take me for a fool Silver. I was following you." I rolled my eyes. "No I mean she's really not here. She ran away already while you were busy talking to me. Dumbass."

"You're really asking for it!" I started to charge at him, pulling me knife out as I lunged at him. He was too quick.

Silver quickly dodged the knife by moving to his left swiftly and grabbing my arm, making me drop the knife and he kicked it away. He turned me around and head-locked me, pointing his own knife on my neck. "Leave her alone Masky.." I hissed at his ear.

"Or maybe you should." Jeff suddenly appeared out of the shadows carrying the girl, her hands were behind her back and a cloth was tied around her mouth, gagging her. Silver had still not let go of me yet. Instead he brought the knife closer cutting my neck. I flinched.

"LET HER GO JEFFREY!" He yelled.

"Why Silvy? Afraid your little 'princess' would get hurt?" Jeff slid a knife from her temple down her cheeks. "Such a shame.. I could make you beautiful... But he wouldn't like that now would he?" Jeff said.

The girl was practically freaking out by now. Tears were seemingly endlessly flowing out of her eyes as she furiously shook her head. Her pleas were muffled by the cloth but still understandable as she struggled to scream for mercy and help.

Silver gripped my hair. "Let. Her. Go." Silver practically spat out each word. I could hear him grinding his teeth together in anger.

"Then let Masky go." Jeff was infuriating him, he neared his face towards the girl. "Mm.. You smell... Nice."

"F**K YOU JEFF!" Silver threw me down, slamming my head on the wall while he lunged at Jeff.

It was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

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