Chapter Three:

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Summer Hale

My eyelids felt heavy and my head was throbbing. I wanted to rest but I heard hushed voices which I recognized as my mother's and another which belonged to my dad. I groaned and forced to open my eyes. "Honey?" My mom caressed my forehead and told me to go get more rest but I ignored it and pushed myself up with my elbow. "M-Mum.. What happened?"

I couldn't remember what happened for a little bit but then slowly it all came back and the gruesome images of three dead guys came into my mind, even the sickening sound of their bones being turned and twisted in all the wrong places was echoing in my head.

I suddenly bursted into tears and my mother engulfed me into a hug. "M-Mom... I was so terrified.." I buried my face in her chest and cried.

My mother tried to calm me down and rubbed the back of my head like how she used to when I was a kid and I would hurt myself. It has been so long since she held me like this, I felt so vulnerable and the only people that could make me feel safe were my parents. I haven't felt that in... ages.

"Honey, it's okay... You're okay. You're safe. Mommy's here.." Surprisingly her words were slowly calming me down. My cries slowly turned into quiet sobs and my hands were gripping the back of her shirt.

I didn't care if I sounded like a child. I didn't care. All I know was I need my mother beside me, holding me tight and making me feel like everything would be fine because she and dad was here.

I felt another hand combing my hair, to which I guessed was my father. "You'll be alright princess.." I heard him say.

* * *

My eyes fluttered open and I was feeling slightly better. The room was a bit dim and I couldn't see clearly. I figured it was night time already.

I wondered what woke me up. I looked around my room and my eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness, finally I could see a bit more clearer. I looked at the window and took a double take.

There was a figure just outside my window and it made me terrified. I thought that maybe it was my imagination but then it started moving and I noticed it was trying to open my window. "Mom!?" I yelled. "Dad!" I yelled for them and looked at my door. When I looked back at the window it was gone. A few seconds later I heard loud noises outside my room and my parents came stumbling in. "Honey? What is it?" Mom asked. "I- I saw someone just outside my window."

My dad immediately checked it out.

"But were on the second floor and there's nothing for the person to step on. Unless he brought a ladder with him."

"Yeah. If there was a guy out there he'd still be running around and the ladder would slow him down, unless he left the ladder but I didn't see anything." My dad said walking back to us. "Maybe you just need more rest dear... " Mom said.

I sighed. "I swear I didn't just imagine it.." I mumbled and started to lie down. "Okay... Then I'll lock all your windows, and I'll keep our door open so you can just scream if there's any trouble and we'll easily hear you down the hall.. Okay sweetie?" My dad said, trying to get me to calm down. I nodded smiling at him.

"Goodnight guys.." I said as they started walking out the door. My mother turned and smiled at me. "Night dear."


I opened my eyes and it was pitch black. I really couldn't see a single thing not even the slightest bit of light. I don't know what woke me up but I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

"Had a good sleep Summer?" My mother asked as soon as she saw me entering the kitchen. I was still a bit sleepy even though I splashed my face with water. I nodded my head as I rubbed my closed eyes. "What are you cooking mum?" I asked as I hoisted myself up the empty part of the island counter. "Just some bacon and french toast."

I smiled. "Yum!"

She gave me a smile as she continued cooking. A few seconds later dad entered the kitchen and messed up my hair. "Sleep well?"

I nodded my answer. "Why'd you guys keep asking me?"

"Just wanted to make sure.. You were pretty scared last night Summer."

"I- I was just a bit paranoid mum. I almost got raped and maybe those goons would've killed me too."

"Hey now dear. They didn't kill you."

Oh yeah. I almost forgot. "What happened after I blacked out mom?"

"Well, I don't know what really happened but there was this boy rushing you to the hospital?"

"He says he found you unconscious on the street with 3 dead men. Honey, if it's okay would you mind telling us what happened?" Looks like mom was done because she turned off the stove, placed the bacon on a plate and turned to me.

I sighed a shaky breath before telling them the whole story.

"So yeah.. There was this strange hooded man who ran off."

"Did you just say... red glowing eyes?" My dad asked. "Well.. Maybe it was just the light reflecting in his eyes but.. it seemed like it was glowing and red."

We continued chatting, while we started to eat at the small dinner table and my parents kept forming new topics after the previous ones end.

"We informed the school about this so you can come back when you're all good. But a doctor recommended you to a psychologist. Says that maybe you're in a traumatic state."

"I'm fine dad.. It didn't do anything serious" I said. "You're not having nightmares? You're not paranoid or anything right? Well last night-"

"Dad. I did not imagine it. It was real. There was someone on the other side of my window." I say a bit more harsh than I intended to. "Okay sweetie."

"Sorry..." I muttered.


I didn't miss school the next day because it wasn't that serious. I was still a bit shaken up but I went regardless.

You don't understand my school, you miss a day and it's like you missed a week because of the school work and pop quizzes you missed.

As I was walking down the halls and to my locked I just noticed something fast going in my direction and before I knew it I was tackled into a hug. "SUMMER!!!"

My eyes widened from surprise and I didn't even have time to hug back before the person pulled away. "Silver?" I chuckled."Where did that come from? You almost crushed me."

He blushed. "I- uh.. well I was worried with everything that happened to you last night."

I furrowed my eyebrows at Silver. "How did you know about last night Sil?"


Beep Boop I love you~

Er.. That's all I managed to write because the previous one got deleted (idk why. Don't ask.) so uh... This chapter may suck. I think it does. I think all my books suck XD Hahaha! :P

Yup. Bye~ xx

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