Kirin Me Softly

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In this business, you don't have time to stop and smell the flowers. The only time we'll ever get a whiff of flowers is when we're dead in a box ten feet under the ground - or maybe buried in a vacant lot somewhere. Today, though, the new kid and I were surrounded by flowers. The aroma filled our lungs.

It was pleasant.

Too pleasant.

Almost like this lady wearing flowers in her hair and on her maid outfit was getting ready to hold a funeral for us.

Getting attacked by a femme fatale with a voice as smooth as funeral parlor silk isn't the worst way to go. But if I bite the dust now, then that snake will probably celebrate back at HQ.

With a cake bought from this damn cafe.

I can't give that snake that satisfaction. And I can't let the new kid get caught up in all this. Not when she's the first person to actually like my monologues.

And so, I bring out the package from the fruity shark. I lay the box - and my life on the line.


" Goshujin-sama? " The maid behind the counter tilted her head, wondering why Ame was talking to herself, "Is everything alright?"

Ame took a deep breath and faced the femme fatale head on. She cleared her throat and spoke with the most dapper mobster voice she could muster.

"I was just trying to work up the courage to talk with a beautiful lady, see?"

"Ara~!" The maid blushed, pleased by Ame's compliment.

Kiara glanced at Ame, but the senior plainclothes detective gave her a thumbs up.

I've got this, new kid. Even I have moxie when it counts.

"The names Amelon, see. The chick with me is Erika - a German immigrant." Ame set down the package on the table and added, "The sharkie from the cannery sent us to bring you this."

"Oh, messengers from Gura?" The green-haired maid spoke with a sing-song voice. She took the package without question and wore a warm smile, "No wonder why you're so sweet! Must be because of all the canned fruits coming out of that factory!"

Ame tipped her fedora and winked at the maid, "Anyone would feel like a can of fruit salad after meeting someone like you, ma'am."

"Uuuuuu~!" The maid swooned. She took a moment to calm down before she faced Ame again with the widest smile, "The two of you seem like new faces, so I don't know if you know me. but I'm Fauna Ceres. Sole proprietor of the Mother Nature Cafe. It's a pleasure to meet you, Amelon and Erika."

Ame and Kiara shook Fauna's hand.

"The pleasure is ours, ma'am." Ame piled on the charm yet again.

Fauna smiled, but promptly changed the subject.

"I'm quite happy that the two of you delivered this package so quickly." Fauna explained, "Gura called me just a while ago and told me that you were coming. I'll have to call her and thank her for sending such cute messengers~!"

Calling the shark back, huh? Was that how Gura would know if we delivered the package or not? It was a good call to go straight here and not stop at HQ.

Fauna rambled on and on about Gura and the business she has with the Shrimps gang. Ame listened with passing interest, but her eyes were more focused on the package that was now in Fauna's hands.

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