My Past

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Hello readers, (MC talking)
I am gonna tell you guys about my not so pretty past. If you don't wanna hear/read any of it and just want to begin with the story just skip to the next chapter.
Here goes nothing.

Warning: gore, blood, abuse, etc
(counts for the whole book)

It was a normal day, I woke up got ready for school got yelled for something I didn't even know happend, misst almost my bus and arrived late in class because of traffic. And of course I got detention. Why? Because the teacher thinks I am an entitled brat.

Why that? Well you see my bullies beat each other up just to say it was me. And once I get out of shool they beat me up. Nobody believes me. Nobody cares. Well I got used to it so there is that. My emotions are almost gone. I feel only the strong ones, that are most of the time sadness or anger. But I never lash out to anyone I never do. I only cry when nobody is looking behind the closed door of my room.

The only friends I have are animals. I ones told someone of my friends who I thought was nice. Keyword thought. They told me to get real friends. Oh if looks could kill. Never talked to anyone after that. Only to my friends.

Gosh I hate humans why did I need to be born one of them? Sometimes I wish I could be all powerfull and just make them all suffer. Okay, okay, you got me sometimes is an understatement. A big one at that.

Well back to the presence of my past. I sat down in my seat wich was in the very front. Because the teacher wants to make sure 'I don't try anything'. And of course someone needed to trow a paper at the teacher when he wasn't looking. Of course I got the blame even so the paper came from a whole different direction. He is a freaking math and sience teacher like what the actual fuck?

He threw me out and gave me some extra homework and told he would call my parents. Well jokes on you I only have my mum that doesn't care about me. She is probaly gonna yell at me tho because 'the mistake' in the house isn't suposed to cause any problems. She has already enough problems and etc.

Welp at least I have my peace out here. Welp. Guess I just jinxed it. The door next to my classroom opened. Of course it had to be one of the worst bullies I have. He got kicked out because... he drew on a table? Are you kidding me? You let a beast roam wild because of a silly reason like that?

Welp guess I be dead. Not like anyone would care tho. As soon he saw me he smiled. A sickening smile I wished never needed to see. "Oh, hey freak" He walked in my direction. I can't do anything. If would I-.... everything would get worse. So I just stood there. "Still not a talker, huh?"

He pushed me into the wall. Pain. A small wimper escaped. "How about I make you talk?" He chuckled. "Please..." "Yah said something? 'Cause I didn't here yah" "Just kill me already!" I screamed at him. He was shocked for a moment but his face quickle changed to a look of disgused. He beated me, kicked me.

"Like I do a freak like you a favor" He spit in my face. "Besides" He pulls roughly up at my hair so I was face to face with him. "It's to much fun seeing you suffer" "Your choice of entertainment is very poor" He kicked me at my face. More as just my nose broke. I screamed. Why do I need to be so god damn weak? He let my face fall to the ground. And oh soul, it hurted like heck.

I was used to seeing that much blood tho. I was more bothered it being in my lungs. I caughed.

"Oh look at how pathetic and weak you are and the best part is nobody cares about you" "At least I am not an asshole like the rest of humanity" He was silent for a moment. Then he bursted out laughing. "You a human? Pfft that is the best joke I heard in my life" He got something out of his pocket. It was... a knife. Of course it was. "Thought you didn't wanna kill me?" "I am not just making a little bit of a fixing" He turned my head forcefully sideways. No no no, he can't do that. I panicked. Next thing I knew screams of agony was heard trough the halls. First my left eye then the right one.

I heard people entering the hall. Some where shocked other where happy saying I had it comming and 'that I got what I deserve'. I couldn't take it, anymore. All the pain. Please, ...just let me die. I blacked out.

I woke up to peeping voices in an uncomfortable bed. Why do I need to suffer like this? Oh yeah how could I forgot. 'Entertainment'. "Hello? Is anyone here?" No answer. Guess I just remove the cables. I ripped the needles out and disconected the heart monitor cable. A long beeb was heard. Heh... I kinda feel fuzy. Did they drug me or something? I tried to get out the bed but was instandly greeted with unbearable pain. Guess I am 'damaged' heh...

Why can't I just be happy? I blacked out again.

*for no reason at all... YOU ARE FILLED WITH DETERMINATION*

Are fudging kidding me? Wait does that mean I...

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