1 | The Decision

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Ginny put tea and biscuits on the table. Harry had invited Hermione around for a mid-week meal earlier that day in the Ministry. She'd jumped at the opportunity as her other food option that night was a frozen pizza she bought over the weekend.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but what's the reason for this impromptu get-together tonight?" Hermione asked.

"We have some news, and since you are unable to attend the Weasley lunch this Sunday, we thought we would tell you earlier than everyone," Harry said.

"I'm pregnant," Ginny jumped in excitedly.

"Oh, Ginny, that's amazing," Hermione said. "How long have you known?"

"I'm only eight weeks in, but you know us, we're always too excited to keep it a secret until the first trimester has passed."

Hermione squeezed Ginny into a tight hug and gave Harry a peck on the cheek. She was genuinely excited for them, but part of her felt desperately sad as she realised that Harry and Ginny would be having yet another child. It wasn't their fault that she was so broody, but she failed to see how she couldn't be when she kept seeing her friends adding more and more babies to their families.

After a decent amount of time had passed, Hermione excused herself to go to the bathroom. She was trying her hardest to appear bubbly and cheerful about the news, but all she could think was that this was yet another baby that wouldn't be hers. Harry and Ginny already had James and Albus, so this would be their third child.

Ginny and Harry had become serious as soon as the war had finished. They got engaged just before Ginny returned to Hogwarts for her final year. Harry would have married her as soon as she completed her education, but Ginny had held out until she turned twenty-one. They were both young, and Ginny didn't see the need to be in such a rush. Hermione fully supported her decision. James was born not long afterwards.

Hermione washed her face and patted it dry. She checked it for telling signs that she'd just shed a few tears, but her eyes looked fine: no puffiness or blotchy red skin to give her away. As she walked back downstairs, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on between Ginny and Harry.

"That new Auror you have at the office, he's gorgeous," Ginny commented.

Hermione stopped and peeked through the open doorway. It wasn't polite to eavesdrop, but she had a gut feeling that this was about her.

Harry looked at his wife suspiciously. "I can't say I've noticed, but why does it matter?"

"Don't you think he'd be perfect for Hermione? We could invite them both around for dinner and see where it takes them," Ginny suggested.

Harry shook his head. "When are you and Molly going to stop nagging at Hermione about this? She'll find someone in her own time; let her be."

Ginny sighed. "She's not getting any younger, Harry, and she might not admit it, but she's lonely. I thought she was going to cry when we just told her I was pregnant again. She's not making any effort to date anyone."

"This is Hermione, and she's stubborn. The more you go on at her about meeting someone, the more closed off she's going to be towards it. Besides, she's different. Most guys don't get that. They just think she's bossy and a know-it-all. And a lot of them are intimidated by the prominent role she played in the war. She needs someone confident, who isn't afraid to let her be herself. "

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