3 | The Awful Truth

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Hermione wasn't one to cry for long periods of time. If she had been, then she would never have recovered from her first awful couple of months at Hogwarts, and, if her initial isolation at Hogwarts didn't get her down, she certainly wasn't going to allow Draco Malfoy and his threats to stop her now. She realised that she was going to have to do what she never wanted to do: tell her friends exactly how she had become pregnant. Oh and tell them that she was pregnant in the first place.

She heaved herself off the sofa and washed the tears from her face. These hormones were going to be the death of her. She sat at her desk and pulled some parchment and a quill toward her. She debated for a brief while on whether she should tell Harry and Ginny and let them pass on the news to Ron. Ron was volatile at the best of times, and his temper when it came to Malfoy was never stable, but both Harry and Ron were her best friends, and she knew how hurtful it was when you were the one cut out. So, she penned a missive to both asking them to come over to her flat tomorrow evening for dinner. That would then give her twenty-four hours to prepare exactly what she was going to say to them, which wouldn't be easy.

Hermione cursed her luck once more. Why Malfoy of all people? Couldn't it have been a mix-up with another sperm donor, or someone who was willing to act as a sperm donor for this child and allow the clinic to pay for the next treatment for free? No, she had to get the world's biggest git as her child's father; one who didn't want to bury his tainted half-blood baby under the rug. She rubbed her forehead; maybe he would see reason once he spoke to his father. She couldn't imagine that Lucius Malfoy would be at all happy at the inclusion of a non-pureblood baby into the Malfoy family tree.

Hermione couldn't help but feel a little curious that Malfoy was seeking fertility treatment. She had always thought the pureblood inbreeding would end up coming to bite them on the backside. The gene pool for pureblood witches and wizards was too narrow these days. Even blood traitors like the Weasleys were related to the majority of the blood supremacist families. The emphasis on keeping your line pure couldn't continue for much longer without severe consequences to the children, and it seemed that, in Malfoy's case, it meant that he was struggling to conceive a child. She tried not to snigger at this but couldn't help it. She felt mean afterwards, but really - Malfoy, the boy who had been so arrogant about his magical heritage, needed Muggle-developed technology to keep his so-very-pure bloodlines going. It was amusing when you looked at it that way.

She hadn't paid too much attention to the Malfoys after their trial after the war. She was annoyed at the injustice of them avoiding prison. She could forgive Narcissa Malfoy not going to prison. She lied to Voldemort and gave Harry the opportunity to catch the psychopath unaware and kill him, but, in her opinion, Lucius and Draco Malfoy certainly deserved a stint in Azkaban. Draco pleaded that he was under duress when he became a Death Eater. Unfortunately, he had a point. He was ordered to kill Dumbledore, and his family would have been killed if he failed. However, she couldn't have imagined the sixteen-year-old swaggering little prat refusing the Dark Mark anyway. He probably considered it a big honour. As for Lucius, how the Wizengamot believed that he 'defected to the other side' during the final battle was beyond her. Hook, line, and sinker, they swallowed his excuses about not wanting to defect earlier due to concerns about his wife and child. Harry had stressed to Hermione that it was true; Voldemort invited himself to Malfoy Manor and took Lucius' wand in punishment and she knew she should believe this because it came from Harry, but she couldn't help but be sceptical. She found it hard to believe that it hadn't been a big honour for the Malfoys to have Voldemort based at their house. Harry insisted Lucius was telling the truth, and Hermione sat in disbelief as many were swayed by Lucius' emotional pleas.

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