10 | New Beginnings

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Rita Skeeter smiled as she ushered her guest into the meeting room she'd prepared for that morning. If she had gauged the personality of Astoria Malfoy correctly, then the younger witch would want to feel important. Tea, coffee, and a selection of small, dainty pastries were already laid out on the table to complete the façade of V.I.P. treatment.

As they settled, Rita mused about what Astoria could possibly want to see her about. The owl that she'd sent had been irritatingly vague, but she had stated that she had some news about her husband that Rita would be very interested in. Rita hadn't been in the newspaper profession for over thirty years for no reason. She specialised in getting scoops, and this could prove to be one of her biggest yet. The Malfoys were notoriously reclusive. It was nigh on impossible to get personal information about them that hadn't already been vetted. They were slippery. They had to be to have kept Lucius out of Azkaban not once, but twice.

"So, Astoria–May I call you Astoria?"

"Yes, please do. Mrs. Malfoy always makes me feel so old," the brunette replied with a simper.

"Great! So, Astoria, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

She watched as the younger witch composed herself, folded her right leg over her left and delicately put her hands on her knees.

"I have something distressing to share regarding my husband, Draco Malfoy. But I will do this on one condition: I remain as an anonymous source."

Rita was intrigued. It was unheard of for a Malfoy to break ranks and discuss other family members with the press and she was prepared to agree to almost anything to get this story.

"Of course, Astoria. There is no need to name you in any article we publish."

"Oh, I hope this will be a series of articles, and I think you'll share my vision once you hear what I have to say."

She leaned forward and pulled a notepad and Quick Quill from her bag. "You don't mind if I take notes, do you?" she asked.

"I think it would be best if you did, Rita."

"So, your husband, Draco. What's he been up to?"

"Well, let's just say there is a situation with a certain Hermione Granger," Astoria said tantalisingly.

Rita sat up, more than interested now. To say that she detested Hermione Granger was an understatement. That disgusting little swot had destroyed her career and it had taken Rita years to pick up the pieces. But, she had never been reemployed by The Daily Prophet. Instead, she'd had to settle for working for Witch Weekly, which was nothing more than a glorified gossip magazine with none of the kudos or prestige that came with working for the UK's premier wizard newspaper. It didn't pay nearly as well, either.

At least she no longer had the blackmail hanging over her. There was no point remaining as an unregistered Animagus if Granger was around to stop you using it properly.

"Please continue, Astoria. As you can see I'm all ears."

Wednesday evening came all too quickly for Hermione's peace of mind. She'd endured a pep talk from Ginny over lunch earlier that day on being calm and not letting her hormones dictate her reactions.

"I don't see why you are so determined we should try to get along?" Hermione had asked her redhead friend.

"Because Harry told me what had happened at your solicitor's meeting, and there is every chance that the pair of you are going to have to cooperate over the care of the child you share," Ginny had replied.

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