9 | Plans and Schemes

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Draco spent his Sunday morning organising everything he needed for a busy week of meetings ahead. It wasn't something he'd dreamed about doing when younger and was part of the reason he felt older than his years. But, the truth of the matter was that he'd turned to work as a panacea for the troubles in his marriage. He could forget about how maddening Astoria was and lose himself in investments, although he was now realising that this wasn't the healthiest thing in the world. All it had done was help him pretend his problems didn't exist.

He frowned at the knock on his door. He hated being disturbed until he'd finished. It always threw him off and it was usually someone he didn't want to see.

"Come in," he snapped, continuing to speedily write across the parchment.

"Is that anyway to speak to your father?"

Draco looked up in surprise before placing his quill neatly next to his work. He'd planned on visiting his father after lunch.

"Father," he greeted. "Please, take a seat."

His father pulled out the chair from across his desk and sat, folding his hands around his cane.

"We need to discuss Astoria," Lucius said, opening the conversation.

Draco sighed as he thought of their argument the night before. "Yes, we do."

"She knows about Granger."

"Yes, she doe—How do you know that?"

"She came to me yesterday morning, demanding I do 'something' about the child. I believe she thought I could harm it in some way."

Draco felt the anger immediately coursing through his veins. He was surprised by his paternal feelings towards the foetus, but the thought of anyone harming his child was infuriating. He'd thought that he would need time to come to terms with the reality of the circumstances, but as soon as he'd been told he was going to be a father, he'd been so happy, albeit worried, about the situation. The fact that his wife had tried to scheme behind his back to end his chance of being a father was rage-inducing.

"She did what?! I'm going to kill her!"

"Now, Draco, you can't let your emotions affect you. We need to try and deal with this without anger."

"That's easy for you to say, this isn't your child we're talking about."

"No. But it is my grandchild and you know that I would've had more children had I been able."

Draco sighed. His parents had tried desperately for a second child but had been unable to conceive and wizards hadn't been aware of IVF treatment in those days. Not that his father would've proceeded down a Muggle path then, anyway.

He ran a hand through his hair. "So, what did you say to her?"

"What do you think I said? I told her she had until the end of the week to get her belongings and get out of the Manor."

Draco chuckled. It was amusing to him that his father had come to exactly the same conclusion he had.

"What's so funny?" Lucius asked.

"It's just I told her the same thing last night."

"Last night?"

"Yes, I got home from my Quidditch game and she... er... tried to seduce me."

"Seduce you?" his father asked, amused.

He couldn't help the tint of colour that came into his cheeks. Even though he was 29, it was still embarrassing to have conversations like this with a parent.

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